SHIKATA - 言葉だけじゃたりないけど - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский SHIKATA - 言葉だけじゃたりないけど

Words aren't enough
少しずつ大人になり それぞれの道を行くけど
We're both slowly becoming adults, and we're each going our separate ways,
君が教えてくれたことが 勇気をくれたね
but the things you taught me gave me courage.
It's difficult to live your own way,
僕が選ぶこの道には きっと笑顔が溢れてる
but the path I choose will surely be filled with smiles.
言葉だけじゃたりないけど 心から君に伝えたい
Words aren't enough, but I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart,
涙も微笑みも 君だけの為に磨いてる
I'm polishing both my tears and my smiles just for you.
どこまでも君が好きだから 今すぐ会いに行くよ そして
I love you so much that I'm going to see you right now, and then
「ありがとう」何度も言うよ この気持ちはもう変わらないから
I'll say "thank you" over and over again. This feeling won't change.
想い出の海に行こう すれ違う時はいつも
Let's go to the sea of memories. When we pass each other, it's always
大事なものは側にあると 信じ合えるから
because we believe that the important things are right beside us.
やわらかい風のような ひとときが嬉しくて
I'm so happy for this gentle, wind-like time,
これからも夢を繋いで どんな壁も乗り越えていこう
let's continue to connect our dreams and overcome any obstacle.
君と歩くこの季節が 鮮やかに色を染めていく
This season we walk together is being painted in vivid colors.
HANABIのような笑顔 誰より欲張りになってく
I want your smile, as bright as fireworks, more than anyone else.
それだけでまた明日の僕を 好きでいられる気がしたんだ
Just that made me feel like I could love tomorrow's me.
何よりの宝物だよ この気持ちに偽りはないから
You're my most precious treasure, this feeling is real.
嬉しいキモチ 悲しいキモチ
Happy feelings, sad feelings,
we've shared all kinds of moments.
忘れないで欲しい 明日も愛されてること
Don't forget, I'll love you tomorrow too.
言葉だけじゃたりないけど 心から君に伝えたい
Words aren't enough, but I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart,
涙も微笑みも 君だけの為に磨いてる
I'm polishing both my tears and my smiles just for you.
どこまでも君が好きだから 今すぐ会いに行くよ そして
I love you so much that I'm going to see you right now, and then
「ありがとう」側にいてくれて この気持ちはもう変わらないから
I'll say "thank you" for being by my side. This feeling won't change.

Авторы: Shikata, Reo, reo, shikata

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