SISTAR feat. Giriboy - Don’t Be Such A Child - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SISTAR feat. Giriboy - Don’t Be Such A Child

Don’t Be Such A Child
Don’t Be Such A Child
자꾸 애처럼 굴까
Why do you keep acting like a child again?
새벽에 전화 울리면
When the phone rings at dawn,
If I'm not there,
히스테릴 일으켜
You always get hysterical, yes,
언제쯤에 철이 들까
When will you ever grow up?
하지마 후회 하지마
Don't be so arrogant Don't regret it
울고 불고 빌걸 아니까
You're going to cry, blow up, and beg again, aren't you?
가끔은 기대고 싶고
Sometimes I want to rely on you,
애교도 부리고 싶은데
And I want to flirt a little,
철없이 구는 모습 땜에
But seeing you acting like a child,
너무 답답해
Makes me feel so frustrated, yes,
쓸데없이 피는 고집도
Even your useless stubbornness,
적당히 때도 됐잖아
It's time to do it in moderation,
Wanna real man
Wanna real man,
남자답게 보여줘
Show me like a man,
애처럼 굴지마
Don't act like a child,
정말 애처럼 굴지마
Really don't act like a child,
투정하는 너를 때면
When I see you sulking,
자꾸 힘이 빠져 제발
I feel my strength fading away Oh please,
애처럼 굴지마
Don't act like a child,
이상은 애태우지마
Don't bother me anymore,
그토록 듬직했던
Where has that love,
사랑은 어디로 거야
That was so decent, gone?
애처럼 굴지마
Baby baby baby don't act like a child,
하루 종일
All day long whine whine whine,
칭얼대며 울지마 오오 you baby
Don't cry and whine, oh you baby,
애처럼 굴지마
Baby baby baby don't act like a child,
그토록 듬직했던
Where has that love,
사랑은 어디로 거야
That was so decent, gone?
아침에는 정말 일어나기 싫어
In the morning, I really don't want to wake up,
너무 재미있는
Because the game is so much fun,
게임 땜에 밤은 길어
The night is long because of the game,
세상에는 볼게 너무 많고
There are so many things to see in the world,
문제 또한 너무 많아
And there are too many problems,
너와 싸우기는 싫어
I don't want to fight with you,
자연스레 넘어 가자
Let's just get over it naturally,
그렇게 복잡해
What's so complicated about it?
피곤하게 말이야
It's tiring to talk about it,
가위같이 찔금 대지말어
Don't poke at me like a scissor,
우린 바리깡
We're friends,
니친구 애인처럼
Like your friend's lover,
고상한 척하는
I hate it when you pretend to be noble,
너무 무거워서 싫어
It's too heavy for me to carry,
나는 들지 않아
I don't have the iron,
애처럼 굴지마
Don't act like a child,
정말 애처럼 굴지마
Really don't act like a child,
투정하는 너를 때면
When I see you sulking,
자꾸 힘이 빠져 제발
I feel my strength fading away Oh please,
애처럼 굴지마
Don't act like a child,
이상은 애태우지마
Don't bother me anymore,
그토록 듬직했던
Where has that love,
사랑은 어디로 거야
That was so decent, gone?
심쿵하고 떨어지는
Your heart is pounding and trembling,
어떻게 해줄까
What should I do about it?
까꿍하고 놀아주면 되나
Should I just play peek-a-boo with you?
어린아이 같아 마냥
You're like a child,
칭얼대는 그런 모양
Whining like that,
모르는 했어 그냥 알기나
I pretended not to know, just ignore it
장난감이 필요하면 마트나
If you need a toy, go to the store,
유모가 아냐
I'm not your nanny,
너는 집을 나가
You have to leave my house,
내가 다시 반해
I might fall in love again,
버릴 있게 변해
I might change so that you can throw me away,
이렇게 바라보는
Change that heart,
맘을 바꿔줘 baby
That looks at me like this, baby,
공주님처럼 모셨었던
I miss the time,
그때가 너무 그리워
When you treated me like a princess,
그대 사랑이 아쉬워
I miss your love,
일부러 그런게 아니라면
If it's not on purpose,
그만 baby 그만
Stop it baby, stop it,
I wanna feel your love
I wanna feel your love,
애처럼 굴지마
Don't act like a child,
정말 애처럼 굴지마
Really don't act like a child,
투정하는 너를 때면
When I see you sulking,
자꾸 힘이 빠져 제발
I feel my strength fading away Oh please,
애처럼 굴지마
Don't act like a child,
이상은 애태우지마
Don't bother me anymore,
그토록 듬직했던
Where has that love,
사랑은 어디로 거야
That was so decent, gone?

SISTAR feat. Giriboy - Shake it
Shake it
дата релиза

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