SOFFet - がむしゃら凸凹大レース!? - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SOFFet - がむしゃら凸凹大レース!?

Let's Fly! Let's Race! Let's Begin the Hard Race!
さぁ飛ベ! 遊べ! レッツ ビギン ハードレース! ピカピカのランドセル
Come on! Let's fly! Let's play! Let's begin the hard race! Shiny school bags
しよった1年坊主も 次世代スターとして立つスタート地点
First-year kids with shaven heads are standing at the starting point as the next generation of stars
This is GooF da SUPERROCK! プータローも抜け出し 歌を歌おうと
This is GooF the SUPERROCK! Even layabouts are leaving their homes to sing
ガソリンパンパン満タン! がんばんだ! 何だかんだガンガン!
Gasoline is filled to the brim! Let's do it! No matter what, full speed ahead!
毎度 Ride on Get on MIC! また愛と愛想で Get on MIC!
Always ride on and get on the mic! Again, with love and charisma, get on the mic!
「都会の人、愛想ないの。態度でかいの。」言われるけども Get on MIC!
("City people are unfriendly and arrogant.") That's what they say, but get on the mic!
さぁみんな悩んでないで まわりの奴何にも関係ない
Come on, everyone, don't worry about it! The people around you don't matter at all
Party time が始まる デストロイヤーマジカルー! ソッフェカーニバル!
The party time is starting! Destroyer Magical! Softe Carnival!
※ビュンビュン上級コースでも (Hey! Ho!)
※Even on the advanced courses (Hey! Ho!)
Speed up! Heat up! Nonstop! say! (Hey! Ho!)
Speed up! Heat up! Nonstop! Say! (Hey! Ho!)
1本勝負ゴールヘ一直線 (Hey! Ho!)
Straight to the goal in a one-shot勝負 (Hey! Ho!)
これぞがむしゃらでこぼこレース Ready Go!※
This is the wild and bumpy race! Ready, go!※
もたもたもたしてる暇なんてない 周り状況なんて今は関係ない
There's no time to dawdle! The situation around you doesn't matter now
だって最後には笑ってたい だからびゅんびゅん飛ばしてく 1-day-life!
Because in the end I want to laugh, so let's fly at full speed! 1-day-life!
Let's get it on! 色はハイカラ 今にないパターン 近未来型
Let's get it on! The color is fashionable, a pattern not seen before, a futuristic type
相方は GooF da SUPERROCK! 重量オーバーのまま急加速
My partner is GooF the SUPERROCK! Accelerating rapidly despite the overload
2体のソッフェマシーンのお出まし このおもてなしにのって Buddies
The two Softe machines are here. Give in to this hospitality, buddies
Let's go! 悪戦苦闘も どんなケースも恐れないレース上
Let's go! Even with struggles and in any case, we're not afraid on the race course
Way to go! なんせハイで汗かいても焦んないでゴールは果てないぜ
Way to go! We'll be high and sweat, but don't panic, the goal has no end
No.1 のまんま Wonderland めがけ突っ走ってくど真ん中! パンパパン!
As the No. 1, let's run straight for Wonderland! Bam bam bam!
Jump around!
Jump around!
絶え間なくハイパーダッシュ! 走ってく行き先もわからないまま
Continuous hyper dash! We run, not knowing where we're going
ひたすら続く道のりも日々精進し Keeping goin'
The endless path continues, but we'll keep practicing and keep going
そんなもんだ どんな困難もよーいドンで飛んでボンネット焦がし
That's how it is. No matter how tough it is, we'll fly on the mark and burn the bonnet
乗り越え on and on で行こーぜ! スローダウンせず そーさ Go now!
Let's keep going on and on! Don't slow down, just go now!
心地いい風が吹きぬけ 一面晴れた青い空は何も言わずただ笑っています
A pleasant wind blows through, and the clear blue sky says nothing but laughs
あくせくとアクセルを踏み続けるタフネスを 磨くため日々悪戦苦闘!
Continuously stepping on the gas pedal, we fight every day to polish our toughness!
油断した!? だが You don't stop! 一心不乱にダッシュ! to 九段下!
Did you get careless? But you don't stop! Dashing recklessly to Kudanshita!
いわばドンキーロックとピヨピヨ 日本人コンビ 気持ちよく軌道にのる
So to speak, Donkey Rock and Piyopiyo, the Japanese duo, are smoothly getting on track
大問題もなく Ride on time! YoYo たのんだ! バトンタッチ!
No big problems! Ride on time! YoYo, I'm counting on you! Baton touch!
よっしゃ! ラストスパート! 暴走クラクションぶちまかして
Alright! Last spurt! Honk the wild klaxon
派手にごぼう抜き 上手に追い抜け追い越せゴールイン!
Overtake spectacularly! Chase, overtake, and cross the finish line in style!

Авторы: The Goffs, Yoyo

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