Sophia - 男の子 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sophia - 男の子

悪の大魔王が 平和な僕の星を狙っている
The great demon king is aiming for my peaceful planet
見た事無い武器で 大空のまだもっと上の方から
From the great beyond the sky, with unseen weapons
Each and every day, all only mourn and weep
日ごと日ごとに 迫りくる魔の手
Day by day, the evil hand draws near
やがて人々は わずかな宝を奪い合ってる
And soon, people will fight over the little treasure
そうさ 今僕が立ち上がらなきゃダメ 蒼い星の青い勇者がいる
That's why I must stand and fight, the blue hero of the blue planet
あきらめないでイイよ 僕は僕は君を守る為
You don't have to worry, I'll protect you
今まではずっと隠れていたよ いつの日か僕の出番が来る
I've always been hidden, but it's finally my turn
少し早い気もする だけど僕が君のHERO
I might not be ready, but I'm your HERO
最近じゃ毎朝 悪いニュースで目覚めてばかりさ
Lately, I keep waking up to bad news
泣いてる大人達 泣いてる子供 もう我慢できない
The adults are crying, the children are crying, I can't stand it anymore
悪の手下が 地球に下りてる
The lackeys of evil have come down to Earth
人に化けては 不幸まき散らす
Disguised as humans, spreading misery
やがて人々は 心閉ざして疑いだらけで
Soon, people will close their hearts and become suspicious
そうさ 今僕が立ち上がらなきゃダメ 胸の傷青い勇者の証し
That's why I must stand and fight, the scar on my chest is my proof of courage
痛みを感じた日々も無駄じゃないさ 優しさをくれた
Even the painful days were not in vain, for they gave me kindness
戦いは長く続くだろう 悲しみも無くなるもんじゃない
The battle will go on, the sadness won't just disappear
逃げる事は出来ない だから僕は君の盾になる
I can't run away, so I'll become your shield
The HERO we admired when we were children
スタイルも変身も全てがパーフェクト 僕はぎこちないけど
Had perfect style and transformation, I'm a bit awkward but
そうさ 今僕が立ち上がらなきゃダメ 蒼い星の青い勇者がいる
That's why I must stand and fight, the blue hero of the blue planet
あきらめないでイイよ 僕は僕は君を守る為
You don't have to worry, I'll protect you
今まではずっと隠れていたよ いつの日か僕の出番が来る
I've always been hidden, but it's finally my turn
暗闇は怖いけど ずっと傍にいるよ
The darkness is scary, but I'll always be by your side
戦いは長く続くだろう 悲しみも無くなるもんじゃない
The battle will go on, the sadness won't just disappear
逃げる事は出来ない だから僕は君の盾になる
I can't run away, so I'll become your shield

Авторы: 松岡 充, 都 啓一

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