SPYAIR - STAR - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни SPYAIR - STAR

My love, when I looked up at the night sky as a child,
いま見てるより キラキラと輝いていた
It shone more brilliantly than it does now.
I'd try to find the constellations I'd just learned,
点と点をなぞる 指先に宇宙があった
Tracing the dots with my finger, as if I held the universe in my hand.
君とそんな風に 同じ夢見てさ
My heart swelled with joy as I imagined,
一緒に描いている そうやって思っていた
That you were right there with me, sharing the same dream.
笑い声たえず 夜の星座を待つ
Our laughter echoed beneath the starry sky,
いまも思い出す 時間が解決じゃない
And those memories still linger, unfaded by time.
Oh なな 名前も無い 星を探した
Oh, my love, we both searched for a nameless star,
僕だけが見つけたと 思っていたSTAR
A star that only we could see, our own secret treasure.
涙のよう 星が流れた
Like tears, the meteors streaked across the sky,
つかめそうでつかめない 今も輝くSTAR
Elusive yet radiant, like our eternal STAR.
大事なモノは ひとに見せなかった
I kept my precious things hidden from the world,
Believing that they would be even more cherished that way.
汚れたおもちゃや 秘密の基地とかさ
Like my favorite toys and our secret hideout,
だから、あの日に 描いた夢も秘密さ
So too, I kept the dreams we shared locked within my heart.
君とそんな風に 同じ景色、風
My darling, I envisioned us,
一緒に感じている そうやって思っていた
Experiencing the same sights and sounds, forever connected.
ひとり走り出す 夜の山へ
Summer nights found me racing alone through the hills,
いまもありますか? 遠い日の空
Searching for that distant sky. Do you remember it, my love?
Oh, my love, we both searched for a nameless star,
僕だけが見つけたと 思っていたSTAR
A star that only we could see, our own secret treasure.
Like tears, the meteors streaked across the sky,
つかめそうでつかめない 今も輝くSTAR
Elusive yet radiant, like our eternal STAR.
大人になるほどに 僕らは見てる未来(モノ)が
As we grew older, the futures we envisioned,
Slowly diverged, placing us on different paths.
Say Woo Woo
Say Woo Woo,
We gazed up at our separate skies.
Oh 名前も無い星を探した
Oh, my love, we both searched for a nameless star,
僕だけが見つけたと 思っていたSTAR
A star that only we could see, our own secret treasure.
Like tears, the meteors streaked across the sky,
つかめそうでつかめない 今も輝くSTAR
Elusive yet radiant, like our eternal STAR.
Oh, my love, we both searched for a nameless star,
僕だけが見つけたと 思っていたSTAR
A star that only we could see, our own secret treasure.
Like tears, the meteors streaked across the sky,
つかめそうでつかめない 今も輝くSTAR
Elusive yet radiant, like our eternal STAR.

Авторы: Momiken

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