STOKA - Od Sumraka Do Zore Feat Dino Dvornik - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни STOKA - Od Sumraka Do Zore Feat Dino Dvornik

Od Sumraka Do Zore Feat Dino Dvornik
From Dusk Till Dawn Feat. Dino Dvornik
Šta volim kad mi je dobro ee
What I love when I'm feeling good, yeah
Od sumraka do zore, dok se tijela ne umore
From dusk till dawn, until our bodies are worn out
Strast, ljubav, požuda, razbijanje čaša i šore x2
Passion, love, lust, breaking glasses and the shore x2
Kažem tulum za ekipu od sumraka do zore
I say, a party for the crew from dusk till dawn
U ritmu muzike dok se svi neumore
In the rhythm of the music until everyone's tired
Strast, ljubav, požuda, razbijanje čaša i šore
Passion, love, lust, breaking glasses and the shore
Čarobni pogled privlačnost sva tijela gore
Magical gaze, attraction, all bodies are on fire
Svaki put zajebancija, zezanje, zafrkanicja
Every time it's fun, joking, teasing
Ekipa razbijena za dobar tulum garancija
The crew is wild, a guarantee for a good party
Cuga, pljuga, noć je duga u smjeru kazaljke na satu
Drinks, smokes, the night is long, clockwise on the clock
Ekipa iz čarobnog kruga
The crew from the magic circle
Za mlade dame koktele da plašu da se vesele
Cocktails for the young ladies to lose their fears and have fun
Zavodničkim plesom da dobiju sve šta žele
With seductive dancing, they get everything they want
Na šank recite želje na stol pive butelje
Say your wishes at the bar, beer bottles on the table
A za pola žestice da brže osmijeh nabace na lice
And half a shot to put a smile on your face faster
U kafiću na piću ljepotici pričam priču na miču
At the cafe, over drinks, I tell a beautiful girl a story on the go
Svi pijani svi ludi svi miču, ekipa soba
Everyone's drunk, everyone's crazy, everyone's moving, the crew's got rooms
Bokal litre viskija, stocka, dum dum
A liter of whiskey, Stoka, dum dum
Kola koka, kikiriki, Stoka
Cola, coke, peanuts, Stoka
U ritmu dobre zabave tata mikrofon roka
In the rhythm of good fun, daddy rocks the microphone
Punim klubove, boredele, radim tulume
I fill clubs, brothels, I throw parties
Svi se vesele i opet i opet i opet svi to žele
Everyone's having fun and again and again and again everyone wants it
U svakom gradu radim jebenu paradu
In every city I make a damn parade
(Neopisivo zadovoljstvo ludilo u mojem stadu) x2
(Indescribable pleasure, madness in my flock) x2
Jee i u mojem stadu... jebem te u gradu
Yeah, and in my flock... I'm screwing you in the city
Od sumraka do zore, dok se tijela ne umore
From dusk till dawn, until our bodies are worn out
Strast, ljubav, požuda, razbijanje čaša i šore x2
Passion, love, lust, breaking glasses and the shore x2
Kažem ludo tu je trek quatro i osono Stoleoni
I say crazy, here's the track, quatro and osono Stoleoni
Dolce Gabbana, Georgio Armani, misoni
Dolce Gabbana, Georgio Armani, Missoni
Igrači oblači Versachi, bend i plesači
Players dress in Versace, the band and the dancers
Ludnica grada moja je banda parada
The city's madness, my gang is a parade
Escada, Prada jebena šminka za sada
Escada, Prada, damn good makeup for now
Bijelo vino Moschino brija na fino
White wine, Moschino, digging the fine things
Ja i ti ptičica slikaj nas u kino Dino
Me and you, little bird, Dino, film us at the cinema
Kad sam na bini Rossini, Bolini, Javidi
When I'm on stage, Rossini, Bolini, Javidi
Striptiz na šanku skidaš se u bikini
Striptease on the bar, you strip down to your bikini
Sviraju narodnjaci, novčanice mi u šaci
Folk music is playing, banknotes in my hand
Svirka u živo, sjaj u oku, smiješak na faci
Live music, sparkle in the eyes, a smile on the face
Čaše izbijam, grizem, razbijam
I smash glasses, bite, break
Onda brejkam u gaćama na podiju mrtav pijan
Then I breakdance in my underwear on the podium, dead drunk
Na latino ritam lijevo-desno guzicu ritam
To the Latin rhythm, left-right, rhythm of the ass
Za piće te pitam, natpis sa tvoje majice
I ask you for a drink, the inscription on your T-shirt
Prek prsiju čitam, malo mutno vidim
I read across your chest, I see a little blurry
Vrti mi se u glavi, daj mi broj telefona
My head is spinning, give me your phone number
Nađemo se sutra na kavi, a navečer
Let's meet for coffee tomorrow, and in the evening
Tulum jer se opet nekaj slavi
Party because we're celebrating something again
Za moje dečke i cure
For my boys and girls
Kaj su budni u kasne ure
Who are awake late at night
Kaj žive bez cenzure, za sve one
Who live without censorship, for all those
Kaj briju dok ih murijaci ne najure
Who party until the cops chase them away
Tulum za ekipu kaj zna kak se brije
A party for the crew that knows how to party
(Ekipa dolazi samo reci tulum di je) x2
(The crew is coming, just say where the party is) x2
Od sumraka do zore, dok se tijela ne umore
From dusk till dawn, until our bodies are worn out
Strast, ljubav, požuda, razbijanje čaša i šore
Passion, love, lust, breaking glasses and the shore

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