i fell in love, i knew love, i saw a dream, i knew the reality.
感情はいつしか 爆発しないように制御された
emotions were controlled to explode at some point.
憧れて真似事をした 一人でいたくて孤独は嫌いで
i wanted to be alone, i didn't like being alone, i didn't like being alone, i didn't like being alone, i didn't like being alone, i didn't like being alone.
i guess you're worried about something that's important, even if it's not like someone else.
でもわすれないでよ ほら
but don't mess with me. come on.
あなたは今日も あなたのまま
You are still you today
あれほど悩んだ夜だって 眩しいくらい
even those troubled nights are dazzling.
いつか見たヒカリは 今のあなた
the hikari i saw one day is you now
People who can laugh at the traces of tears
大丈夫だよ 間違っちゃいない
it's okay. it's not wrong.
That is the proof that we were able to meet
as we continue to welcome the morning as we get lost
that i like myself the most.
瞬間でも良い 思えたのなら
if the moment seemed good
間違っちゃいない あなたを信じればいい
i'm not wrong. just trust you.
比べないで 歪めないで
don't compare. don't distort.
it's normal that there's no precedent.
あなたは過去 初めての人
you're the first person in the past.
there's only one alternative.
いつか見たヒカリは 今のあなた
the hikari i saw one day is you now
People who can laugh at the traces of tears
大丈夫だよ 間違っちゃいない
it's okay. it's not wrong.
even the sadness that exists now is a testament to that.
if you want tomorrow while wondering
Like beckoning in the darkness of the night
揺らめいている 輝いている
it's wavering, it's shining.
A proof that the glare is you
今見てるヒカリは あなたの未来
The hikari i'm looking at right now is your future
A person who lives strong beyond tears
大丈夫だよ 間違っちゃいない
it's okay. it's not wrong.
足元なら 僕が照らすから
i'll light it at your feet.
it's not going to work. it's not going to work. it's not going to work.
恋も愛も 儚い全ても
love, love, ephemeral everything
大切だよ 大丈夫だよ
it's important. it's okay.
間違っちゃいない あなたを信じてほしい
i'm not wrong. i want you to believe me.
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