Sabahat Akkiraz - Semah I - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sabahat Akkiraz - Semah I

Semah I
Semah I
Hey dost, hey dost... benim tabibim
Hey boy, hey boy... my healer
Gitme giden gitme sual sorayım
Don't go, the one who's leaving, let me ask a question
Ol nazlı pirime benzettim seni
I compared you to my delicate master
Sende hak nişanı vardır gördüğüm
I see the mark of truth in you
Hak dediğim yere benzettim seni
I compared you to the place I call truth
Mevlayı seversen eylen dur gitme
If you love the Lord, stay and enjoy
Aşık akan sulara İntizar etme
Don't yearn for flowing water, O lover
Bir kaşları suna gözleri sürme
Your eyebrows are like arches, your eyes are kohl
Kiprigi hançere benzettim seni
I compared your eyelashes to daggers
Hudey haydar hudey benzettim seni
I compared you to the Lord of the Universe, the Mighty One
Kapısına seydullaha vardığım
When I reached the doorstep of the Lord's saint
Davasın derdime derman kıldığım
I made his lawsuit the remedy for my troubles
Aşkın havasına hayran olduğum
I became enraptured in the atmosphere of love
O nazlı pirime benzettim seni
I compared you to that delicate master
Eydir viraniyem kalu belaya
Oh Virani, my desolation, my calamity
Sofrası meydanda bektaş veliye
His table is spread out in the meydan, O Bektashi saint
Bir İsmi muhammet biri aliye
One is Muhammad, one is Ali
Alüyül haydara benzettim seni
I compared you to the Lion of God
Hudey haydar hudey benzettim seni
I compared you to the Lord of the Universe, the Mighty One
1.kısım söz: virani
1st part lyrics: Virani
Dooooooost mecnun olup leylasını bulanlar
Oh, friend, I've become Majnun, I've found my Layla
Gam keder İstemez yar yar muhabbet İster
I don't want sorrow or grief, my love, I want your affection
Zikr edip yara zayi vermeyen
The one who remembers the Beloved and doesn't waste his time in vain
Kul olup pirinden İbadet İster
Becoming a servant, he worships his master
Gerçekler seyreder hintten yemene
The truth-seekers travel from India to Yemen
Kafir zoru görmezse gelmez amana
The unbeliever won't accept the truth until he's faced with hardship
Dört kitap okusa gelmez İmana
He won't come to faith even if he reads the four holy books
O fani hüdadan hidayet İster
That mortal man seeks guidance from God
Gerçeğin nefesi yar yar eridir dağı
The breath of truth, my love, melts mountains
Yalancının ataşı eritmez yağı
The liar's fire won't melt butter
Muhabbetten geri gelenin çoğu
Most of those who turn away from love
Kimi seyre gelir kimi et İster
Some come to watch, some come to eat
Kamil yanında cahilin huyu bulunmaz
The ignorant man's character isn't found in the company of the perfect
Şeriat ehline tarik çalınmaz
The path is not revealed to those who follow the religious law
Yayan yürümeynen menzil alınmaz
You won't reach your destination if you don't walk
Menzil almak İçin keskin at İster
To reach your destination, you need a swift horse
Hudey haydar hudey keskin at İster
The Lord of the Universe, the Mighty One, demands a swift horse
Arifoğlu eğri hacet söylemez
Arifoğlu doesn't utter crooked wishes
Çirkine güzel deme o huri olmaz
Don't call the ugly one beautiful, she's no houri
İman bir kat köynekte üşür eğlenmez
Faith shivers in a single garment, it doesn't find joy
İmanın köyneyi on dört kat İster
Faith's garment must have fourteen layers
Hudey haydar hudey on dört kat İster
The Lord of the Universe, the Mighty One, demands fourteen layers
2.kısım söz: arifoğlu
2nd part lyrics: Arifoğlu
Hay hay dost nenni has nenni şah nenni
Oh, oh, friend, my sweet friend, my dear friend
Ezel bahar olmayınca kırmızı gül bitmez İmiş
Without the springtime of eternity, the red rose doesn't bloom
Kırmızı gül bitmeyince sefil bülbül ötmez İmiş
When the red rose doesn't bloom, the nightingale doesn't sing
Doost bülbüller gelir ötmeye güle sarılıp yatmaya
Oh friend, the nightingales come to sing, to embrace the rose
Bağıban gulu satmaya gül kadrini bilmez İmiş
The gardener sells the rose, he doesn't know the value of the rose
Gel ey bağban satma gülü haramdır parası pulu
Come, gardener, don't sell the rose, its money and value are forbidden
Ağlatma sefil bülbülü gözyaşını silmez İmiş
Don't make the nightingale cry, don't wipe away its tears
Yılda bir gün ziyan olur dost yoluna talan olur
One day a year is wasted, my friend, it becomes a plunder
Bazı İnsan hayvan olur hayvan adem olmaz İmiş
Some people become animals, animals don't become humans
Dooost şahatayım ölmeyince tenim turab olmayınca
Oh friend, I am Shah Hatayi, until I die, until my body becomes dust
Dost dosttan ayrılmayınca dost kadrini bilmez İmiş
My friend, don't leave your friend, until you know the value of a friend

Авторы: Akkiray Sabahat

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