Mutalam,
yabana
atilan
kof
bir
raic.
Tanrinin
elinden
yazilan
mektubum
ben
yillar
oncesinden
postalanmis,
darp
edilmis
ruhumun,
tek
koluyla
yazariken
bu
manzumun
mazlum
oykusunu,
derme
catma
evrenimde
bir
evim
rapim
gel
de
Tanri
konugum
ol!...
Forsa
bedenim,
varsa
yoksa
bir
elim
ve
bir
dilim,
miknatisla
mutluluk
avinda
yarenim
ve
mimli
gozlerimle
aglarim
ve
kinle
yikarim
kimi
zaman
minikleri,
sozlerinde
gizlidir,
celimsiz
hisleri,
tipki
seller
ortasinda
bir
gemi,
zorba
yeller
ellerinde
savrulan...
Imza
Sago.
Soliloquy,
a
hollow
advice
thrown
to
the
wind.
am
a
letter
written
by
God's
hand,
mailed
years
ago.
My
battered
soul,
with
its
only
arm,
writes
the
oppressed
story
of
this
poem.
In
my
patchwork
universe,
my
home
is
rap,
come
be
God's
guest!...
My
frail
body,
nothing
but
an
arm
and
a
tongue,
my
companion
in
the
hunt
for
happiness
with
a
magnet,
and
with
my
almond
eyes,
cry
and
sometimes
wash
away
the
little
ones
with
hatred.
Their
feelings
are
hidden
in
their
words,
frail,
like
a
ship
in
the
middle
of
floods,
tossed
in
the
hands
of
tyrannical
winds...
Signed,
Sago.
Kalintilarda
tarihin
yok
olmus
tum
yalanlari,
alintilar
yapildi.
Asirlar
oncesinden
gunume
golge
dusuren,
bolge
iceren
her
animda
gozlerimden
damla
yas
dokuldu,
sik
bukuldu
cok
boyun,
gik
cikarmadi,
anilar
duvara
yaslandi,
yasla
guldu
dusmanin,
bilmesen
de
tasla
suyunu
doktu
nefret
ettigin
tum
dostlarin,
pas
tutan
dualarin,
yas
torenlerinde
haykirislarin
haz
nobetlerindedir.
Asik
bakislarin,
yaz
fakirliginde
kis
ayazlarin
azraille
bogusur
oldu
karabasan
ruyalarin.
Yetim
kalan
tebessum
cocuklarinin
kalbi
kirik!...
All
the
lies
of
history
that
have
disappeared
in
the
remains,
quotes
were
made.
Shadows
falling
on
me
from
centuries
ago,
tears
dripping
from
my
eyes
in
every
moment
containing
the
region,
many
necks
were
bent,
they
didn't
squeak,
memories
grew
old
on
the
wall,
the
enemy
laughed
with
age,
even
if
you
didn't
know,
the
stone
poured
its
water,
all
the
friends
you
hated,
your
rusty
prayers,
your
cries
at
funerals
are
at
the
feasts
of
pleasure.
Your
loving
glances,
the
winter
frosts
of
summer
poverty,
your
nightmares
have
become
intimate
with
Azrael.
The
heart
of
the
child
whose
smile
is
orphaned
is
broken!...