Sagrada Flia. - Arrepentidos - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sagrada Flia. - Arrepentidos

You are regretful
Triste, vacía
Sad, empty
Sin semblante y sin luz
Without countenance and without light
En tus pupilas
In your pupils
Te acercaste a
You approached me
A inquietar mi corazón
To disturb my heart
Con recuerdos de un amor
With memories of a love
Siempre fuiste para mi
You were always for me
Dulce tormento
Sweet torment
Acarreaste a mi el amor
You brought love
Y lo mataste con rencor
And you killed it with resentment
Pasa el tiempo y aquí voy
Time passes and here I go
A paso lento
At a slow pace
Arrepentida yo!
Regretful, me!
Nunca en la vida
Never in life
Fue toda esa pasión la que sostenía
It was all this passion that sustained
Mi amor por ti
My love for you
Se acabaría,
It would end,
Mentiras,Falsas promesas, mentirás
Lies, false promises, lies.
Juego a dos puntas heridos
A double-edged game
Mentiras,Falsas promesas, mentirás
Lies, false promises, lies.
Juego a dos puntas heridos
A double-edged game
Flujo de contradicciones
A flow of contradictions
Matan nuestras conexiones
They kill our connections
Y yo me voy
And I'm leaving
Que no te arrepentirás de las cosas vividas
That you won't regret the things you've experienced
Oye mami, mira mami
Listen, baby, look, baby
No se vigilen,
Don't watch each other,
No se atormenten que cada cual tienen su suplente tu ves
Don't torment yourselves and each have your substitute, you see
Que no te arrepentirás de las cosas vividas
That you won't regret the things you've experienced
Si la vida nos enseñó a darnos mucha
If life has taught us to give each other a lot
Mucha comprensión
A lot of understanding
Ya no quiero vivir sufriendo, ya no quiero se terminó, se terminó
I don't want to live suffering anymore, I don't want to, it's over, it's over
Que no te arrepentirás de las cosas vividas
That you won't regret the things you've experienced
Yo quiero mambo si, me voy pal mambo
I want mambo, yes, I'm going for mambo
Si, si
Yes, yes
Siempre fuiste tu mi querido
You were always my one
Regretful, you are
Si me quieres porque te fuiste mujer
If you love me, why did you leave me, woman?
Arrepentido yo
Regretful, me
Que no, que no, no, no, lo vas a entender
That no, no, no, no, you're not going to understand
Regretful, you are
No pasará lo mismo de ayer
It won't be the same as yesterday
Arrepentida yo
Regretful, I am
Muerde trombón
Trombone bite
Pa′ que aprenda
So you can learn

Авторы: Daniel Luzuriaga

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