Sajsi MC - Yugo dete - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sajsi MC - Yugo dete

Yugo dete
Yugo guys
Prskalice i konfete
Sparkles and confetti
Ja sam yugo dete
I'm a Yugo guy
I sunce ne greje
And the sun doesn't shine
Kao osamdeset pete
Like eighty-five
Klimam glavom
I nod my head
Kako sve razumem
Like I understand everything
Ali nije isti osećaj
But it's not the same feeling
Kad tri puta umreš
When you die three times
Nekad sam baš
Sometimes I'm just
"Volim vas sve"
"I love you all"
I "svi ste moji"
And "you're all mine"
Ali često mrzim šta radim
But I often hate what I do
I što postojim
And that I exist
Ujutru i uveče
In the morning and in the evening
Svaki dan
Every day
Krijem od svih
I hide from everyone
Da veštački ulazim u san
That I'm artificially entering a dream
Toliko toga me čeka da radim, radim
So much to do, to do
Umesto toga
Instead of that
Ja muda ladim, ladim
I'm scrolling, scrolling
I mislim se
And I think
"Moje vreme tek dolazi"
"My time will come"
Al' ja sam zombi
But I'm a zombie
Ubili su me porazi
Defeats have killed me
Prskalice i konfete
Sparkles and confetti
Ja sam yugo dete
I'm a Yugo guy
I sunce ne greje
And the sun doesn't shine
Kao osamdeset pete
Like eighty-five
Klimam glavom
I nod my head
Kako sve razumem
Like I understand everything
Ali nije isti osećaj
But it's not the same feeling
Kad tri puta umreš
When you die three times
Prskalice i konfete
Sparkles and confetti
Ja sam yugo dete
I'm a Yugo guy
I sunce ne greje
And the sun doesn't shine
Kao osamdeset pete
Like eighty-five
Klimam glavom
I nod my head
Kako sve razumem
Like I understand everything
Ali nije isti osećaj
But it's not the same feeling
Kad tri puta umreš
When you die three times
Prvi put kad to desi se
The first time it happens
Niko ti ne veruje
No one believes you
Vraćaš se u život
You come back to life
da gaziš preko dedovine
Like walking over your grandfather's land
Drugi i treći put
The second and third time
Je fina rutina
It's a fine routine
Ono što te ne ubije
What doesn't kill you
Pakleno te cima
Torments you like hell
Nekad sam jako jeftina
Sometimes I'm very cheap
A nekad jako skupa
And sometimes very expensive
Glumim da sam pametna
I pretend to be smart
A često sam glupa
But I'm often stupid
Retko kad stavim prst na čelo
I rarely put my finger on my forehead
Pipam ringlu, iako znam da je vrelo
I touch the ring, even though I know it's hot
To sam ja
That's me
Mediji kažu da sam hit
The media says I'm a hit
Nova, sveža
New, fresh
I imam neku zajebanu nit
And I have some fucked-up thread
To sam ja
That's me
Preferiram da blejim
I prefer to fade
Želim da sam muško i žensko
I want to be male and female
Na dve stolice sedim
I sit on two chairs
Prskalice i konfete
Sparkles and confetti
Ja sam yugo dete
I'm a Yugo guy
I sunce ne greje
And the sun doesn't shine
Kao osamdeset pete
Like eighty-five
Klimam glavom
I nod my head
Kako sve razumem
Like I understand everything
Ali nije isti osećaj
But it's not the same feeling
Kad tri puta umreš
When you die three times
Prskalice i konfete
Sparkles and confetti
Ja sam yugo dete
I'm a Yugo guy
I sunce ne greje
And the sun doesn't shine
Kao osamdeset pete
Like eighty-five
Klimam glavom
I nod my head
Kako sve razumem
Like I understand everything
Ali nije isti osećaj
But it's not the same feeling
Kad tri puta umreš
When you die three times
Prskalice i konfete
Sparkles and confetti
Ja sam yugo dete
I'm a Yugo guy
I sunce ne greje
And the sun doesn't shine
Kao osamdeset pete
Like eighty-five
Klimam glavom
I nod my head
Kako sve razumem
Like I understand everything
Ali nije isti osećaj
But it's not the same feeling
Kad tri puta umreš
When you die three times

Авторы: Ivana Rašić

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