Sale Tru - Nase Ubistvo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sale Tru - Nase Ubistvo

Nase Ubistvo
Our Murder
Ja iskreno mislim da sam proklet,
I truly think I'm cursed,
Koj kurac prolazim kroz sve ovo sa tobom opet?
What the hell am I going through this again with you?
Sve je kul, jos uvek mi je bitno,
It's cool, I still care,
Kako nesto veliko, bude toliko sitno?
How can something large, be so petty?
Mi smo bili jedno drugom svi, a danas niko,
We were each other's everything, and today no one,
Secas se trenutka kada sam te pitao da li me volis toliko da nas nece razdvojiti niko?
Remember when I asked you if you loved me so much that no one could separate us?
Rekla si mi volim te vise od sebe.
You told me I love you more than myself.
Dve godine nisam bio pri sebi zbog tebe,
I haven't been myself in two years because of you,
Ko me jebe kada cenim nekog vise od sebe.
Who cares when I value someone more than myself.
Aj se kladimo da opet imas onaj izraz lica kad' ja pricam, a ti me kao ne razumes nista.
Let's bet that you have that same expression on your face again when I talk, and you don't understand anything I say.
Ja znam tvoje suze,
I know your tears,
Ja sam voleo tebe, vise od sebe, a
I loved you more than myself, but
Pravim ovo djubre.
I'm making this trash.
Ako se sretnemo negde, obecavam da cu probati da te opet nasmejem,
If we meet somewhere, I promise I'll try to make you laugh again,
Izvini zbog pesme.
Sorry for the song.
Ovo ce biti jos jedan dug proces,
This will be another long process,
Da li je bolje kad' si kucala
Is it better when you knocked,
Da nisam pitao ko je?
That I didn't ask who it was?
Vise te nikada necu udariti po dupetu i reci ovo ovde je moje.
I'll never pat you on the ass and say this is mine.
Mi smo bili zivot, danas groblje.
We were life, today a cemetery.
Zatvori kovceg, vreme je da smrt pocne.
Close the coffin, it's time for the death to begin.
Jer ne postoji nista gore, od toga kad' se dvoje vole, a jedno ode, jer ima sa nekim drugim problem
Because there is nothing worse, than when two people love each other, but one leaves, because they have a problem with someone else
A ja to trebam da razumem.
And I have to understand that.
Jure me lepse od tebe, a sve su ruzne.
They swear they are prettier than you, but they are all ugly.
Izvini za sve lepo, sto ti nikad' nisam rek'o.
Sorry for all the beautiful things I never told you.
Zamenio sam tvoje telo, mojom senkom.
I replaced your body, with my shadow.
Sve dok mi jednom nesto nije reko neko, ali necu reci sve to, jer svejedno,
Until one day someone said something to me, but I won't say it all, because anyway,
Zauvek smo jednom bili jedno.
We were once one.
Seti se drugog dana nase veze, rekla si ne sme da se zavrsi lose nesto sto lepo krene.
Remember the second date of our relationship, you said it can't end badly something that starts well.
A jeste.
And it did.

Авторы: Aleksandar Lazić, Mitar Spasic Zuba

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