Sale Tru - Sve Je Dobro Kad Je Lose - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sale Tru - Sve Je Dobro Kad Je Lose

Sve Je Dobro Kad Je Lose
Everything's Good When It's Bad
Ja ne znam gde su bili kad sam bio sam, niti me zanima
I don't know where they were when I was alone, nor do I care
Lut'o sam danima kad su jebali satima
I wandered for days when they fucked for hours
Busio sam ziju posle 'Paka, posle braće iz Sick Touch-a
I was busting Zia after ' Pak, after the brothers from Sick Touch
Jer volim rep više i od brata
Because I love the tail more than my brother
Ja sam svuda, na dnu, a na vrhu krivuda
I'm everywhere, at the bottom, and at the top of the curve
Još jedan mali lik koji nema svrhu
Another little character who has no purpose
I ovo parče mene nešto vredi
And this piece is worth something to me
Zar nisu dovoljno klošari gledali kako se bogati, željni
Haven't the bums seen enough how rich, eager
Ti si bre cveće iz betona
You are a flower of concrete
A mi smo nekolicina od malih milion morona
And we're a few of a Million Little morons
Koji te jure, ipak pitaj samu sebe
Those who chase you, ask yourself
Ako si toliko cveće kako onda uvek s nama budeš
If you are so many flowers, then you will always be with us
Znaš ono kad te stegne srce, kad sve pukne
You know when your heart clenches, when everything breaks
Jebeš suze, preživećemo i teže trenutke
Fuck the tears, we'll survive the hard times
Jer sve je dobro kad je loše, zabo me jednom puta u glavu
'Cause everything's good when it's bad, it stuck me in the head once
A leg'o je dole kad je popio kroše
And he was down when he drank the crotch
I kada dotakneš dno, ti misliš "Gde si Bože"
And when you hit rock bottom, you think,"Where Are You, God?"
Kad sruše ti se kule više puta preko kože
When the towers fall over your skin
Veruj u svoje snove, od ovog goreg može
Believe in your dreams, you can do this
Jer sve je dobro, sve je dobro kad je loše
For all is good, all is good when it is bad
Ja sam prob'o s njima lepo
I tried with them nicely.
Oni meni preko neta geto, ja se krstim kažem eto
I'm on the net, I'm on the net, I'm on the net, I'm on the net, I'm on the net
Ja nikad nisam var'o, dok nju nisam kar'o
I've never seen her before, until I saw her
Pa sam se izvinjav'o jer moraš tako ako ti je stalo
So I apologized because you have to if you care.
A šta je raj ako nesrećan trenutak
What is heaven if it's an unhappy time
A šta je kraj ako ne jedna sekunda
What's the end if not one second?
Koja ti usta svakog puta kad se setiš
It's your mouth every time you remember
Biće lakše vremenom, a vreme uvek proleti
It will be easier with time, and time will always fly by.
Nije bitan gubitak, već kako podnosiš poraz
It's not about losing, it's about how you take defeat.
Znaj da tamo gde je ljubav uvek ima i bola
Where there's love there's always pain
I opet mi je zima, ti nisi nova ljubav
I'm cold again, you're not a new love
Samo seks i fer igra, plus dodir heroina
Just sex and fair play, plus a touch of heroin
Jer sam odrast'o na mestu bez ljubavi i mašte
Because I grew up in a place without love and imagination
Ono što je nama smešno, takve stvari druge plaše
What's funny to us is that these things scare others.
I sve je dobro kad je loše
And all's well when it's bad
Mi jurimo kroz grad 30 na sat u Jugu
We rush through the city 30 an hour in the South
A glumimo da je Porše
Let's pretend it's a Porsche
I kada dotakneš dno, ti misliš "Gde si Bože"
And when you hit rock bottom, you think,"Where Are You, God?"
Kad sruše ti se kule više puta preko kože
When the towers fall over your skin
Veruj u svoje snove, od ovog goreg može
Believe in your dreams, you can do this
Jer sve je dobro, sve je dobro kad je loše
For all is good, all is good when it is bad
I vreme je da kažem ovo
It's time to say this
U zadnje vreme nisam dobro
I haven't been well lately.
Pričam sam sa sobom, osećam se kao govno
I'm talking to myself, I feel like shit
I sve što počnem, završi se bolno
And everything I begin ends painfully
Trenir'o sam non-stop, a sad sam non-stop s droljom
I've been training all the time, and now I'm training all the time with a slut
Tako da je ovo samo gledanje u nebo
So this is just looking at the sky
Slušanje mržnje mi neće hraniti stomak i ego
Listening to hate won't feed my stomach and ego
A to je sve što bih sada treb'o
And that's all I'd need right now
U, imam trip da sam sve ovo već jednom gled'o
I have a feeling I've seen this all before
I kada dotakneš dno, ti misliš "Gde si Bože"
And when you hit rock bottom, you think,"Where Are You, God?"
Kad sruše ti se kule više puta preko kože
When the towers fall over your skin
Veruj u svoje snove, od ovog goreg može
Believe in your dreams, you can do this
Jer sve je dobro, sve je dobro kad je loše
For all is good, all is good when it is bad

Авторы: Aleksandar Lazić, David Dmg Jovanovic

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