Samey - sive vlasy - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Samey - sive vlasy

sive vlasy
Grey hair
Spomínam na časy, keď si ma nespievali masy, yeah
I remember the days when the masses didn't sing my songs, yeah
Rastu prvé sivé vlasy, ale nerobím si vrásky, yeah
My first grey hairs are growing, but I'm not getting wrinkles, yeah
A my rastieme do krásy a tučné len naše basy, yeah
And we're blossoming into beauty, and only our basses are fat, yeah
A tak pripíjam si, no tak dvihni cup a daj si
So I'm raising a glass, so raise your cup and have a sip
Som len chalan, čo to dal
I'm just a guy who made it
Podobný jak ty, lebo tiež vyrastal tam
Like you, because I also grew up there
Ulica ma obrnila ako tank
The streets toughened me up like a tank
Čo poviem myslím tak, žiarim, lebo zažil dark
What I say I mean, I shine, because I've experienced the dark
Ah, a ty si nebola
Ah, and you weren't the one
No kľudne dajme talk, možno si zmenila takt
But let's talk, maybe you've changed your tune
Ah, život býva tough
Ah, life can be tough
No uvidíš horieť moje oči, keď príde tma
But you'll see my eyes burn when darkness comes
Ah, keď horím, horím do tla
Ah, when I burn, I burn to the ground
Keď ma vidíš, cítiš tlak, keď strieľaš, tak radšej traf
When you see me, you feel the pressure, when you shoot, better hit
Ah, hudba je môj dar
Ah, music is my gift
Keď ju mám, tak sa o mňa, homie, netráp
When I have it, don't worry about me, homie
Spomínam na časy, keď si ma nespievali masy, yeah
I remember the days when the masses didn't sing my songs, yeah
Rastu prvé sivé vlasy, ale nerobím si vrásky, yeah
My first grey hairs are growing, but I'm not getting wrinkles, yeah
A my rastieme do krásy a tučné len naše basy, yeah
And we're blossoming into beauty, and only our basses are fat, yeah
A tak pripíjam si, no tak dvihni cup a daj si
So I'm raising a glass, so raise your cup and have a sip
Hľadel z okna, hľadel stokár
I looked out the window, I looked at the hundred
Chcel vyjsť zdola, chcel stack, stovák
I wanted to get out of the bottom, I wanted a stack, a hundred
Makal som ja, makám stále znova
I worked, I still work hard
Makám dookola, nenechám si to zobrať
I work all the time, I won't let it be taken away from me
Moja zóna - east side zóna
My zone - east side zone
Moje slová - moja stopa
My words - my mark
Žiadna smola není na mojich botách
There's no bad luck on my shoes
Dvíham hore pohár, všetci moji ľudia stoja
I raise a glass, all my people stand up
Toto nie je motivačná hudba, ale pravdivá hudba
This is not motivational music, but real music
Real, real shit
Real, real shit
Všetci moji ľudia stoja, bitch
All my people stand up, bitch

Авторы: Samey

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