Sancak feat. Taladro - Bana Kendimi Ver - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sancak feat. Taladro - Bana Kendimi Ver

Bana Kendimi Ver
Give Me Myself
Bu günahsiz gözlerimi de yaktirma bana.
Don't burn these innocent eyes of mine.
Sana mi ona mi inanayim battim yalana.
Should I believe you or her? I'm drowning in lies.
Tam unuttum dedigim an bulastin yakama.
The moment I said I forgot, you clung to my collar.
Bi de onu öperken de baktin ya bana.
And you looked at me while kissing her.
Sen, en pis hali nefretin.
You, the ugliest form of hate.
Huzuru beni düsünmeden kendine çektin.
You pulled peace towards yourself without thinking of me.
Bu masaya bir resmin az geldi.
One picture of you wasn't enough for this table.
Dön de gururum yine bana ihanet etsin.
Come back and let my pride betray me again.
Bu evi, esyalari bile sattirma bana.
Don't make me sell this house, even the furniture.
Bütün odalari sen ve kapandim odama.
All the rooms are you and I'm locked in my room.
Kilidimi beynime vurup çektim kapiyi.
I locked the door with the key in my mind.
Içeriye beni bile alan olmasa da, gel.
Even if no one else can get me inside, come.
Bana mutsuzmus gibi bakma.
Don't look at me like I'm unhappy.
Istanbul neresi diye bile sorma.
Don't even ask where Istanbul is.
Gidiyorum. Beni biliyorsun, duramam.
I'm leaving. You know me, I can't stay.
Sirtima koydugun onlarca tonla.
With the tons of burdens you put on my back.
Yine her gece kendini yazdirma bana.
Don't make me write about you again every night.
Bir birak beni ona buna sordurmasana.
Just leave me, don't make me ask about you.
Düsünme sen gidince öldügümü falan.
Don't think that I died when you left.
Tek derdim onunla uyudugun zaman.
My only problem is when you sleep with him.
Isterdim baskasi kokunu bilmesin.
I wish someone else didn't know your scent.
Ya da bilmeseydim simdi kimlesin.
Or I didn't know who you were with now.
Bu daha zor, onu biliyorum, onu taniyorum.
This is harder, I know him, I know him.
I can't forget.
Sonumu ecelden önce getirttirme bana.
Don't bring my end before death.
Garezim seni bana hiç unutturmamana.
My grudge is that you never let me forget you.
Kötüyüm bunu bile bile öldürme beni.
I'm bad, don't kill me knowing this.
Melegim gibi bir gece sol yanima gel.
Come to my left side like an angel one night.
Bana düsmanmis gibi bakma.
Don't look at me like I'm your enemy.
Ben yokken ne oldu diye sorma.
Don't ask what happened when I was gone.
Ölüyorum, bunu biliyorsun.
I'm dying, you know that.
Duramam, ömrüme koydugun onlarca sonla.
I can't stay, with the dozens of ends you put on my life.
Gidemem, canim burnuma gelse de ben.
I can't leave, even if my life is on the line.
Yine herkesi kendim sandim.
I thought everyone was like me again.
Ya adam olamam ya da ben olamam.
Either I can't be a man or I can't be me.
Bana kendimi ver, git.
Give me myself, go.
Eger bir umut varsa içinde, yüregim avuçlarinin içinde.
If there is any hope inside, my heart is in your palms.
Benim ol diyemem sana zorlama beni.
I can't tell you to be mine, don't force me.
Seni baskasi her gece gözlüyorken. x2
While someone else is waiting for you every night. x2
Gidemem, canim burnuma gelse de ben.
I can't leave, even if my life is on the line.
Yine herkesi kendim sandim.
I thought everyone was like me again.
Ya adam olamam ya da ben olamam.
Either I can't be a man or I can't be me.
Bana kendimi ver, git.
Give me myself, go.
Eger bir umut varsa içinde, yüregim avuçlarinin içinde.
If there is any hope inside, my heart is in your palms.
Benim ol diyemem sana zorlama beni.
I can't tell you to be mine, don't force me.
Seni baskasi her gece gözlüyorken.
While someone else is waiting for you every night.
Dön diyemedim, bir türlü canim özleyemedim.
I couldn't say come back, I couldn't miss you.
Önleyemedim ama gittigin o geceyi
I couldn't prevent it, but that night you left
Gururu yikipta gel diyemedim.
I couldn't swallow my pride and tell you to come back.
Bak, yine gözlerim parçali bulut.
Look, my eyes are like fragmented clouds again.
Istersen kapa parçami, unut.
Close my fragment if you want, forget.
Elimde nester kesmeye hazirim
I have a scalpel in my hand, ready to cut
Içimde son kalan o parçani bulup.
Finding that last piece inside me.
Uyustur askini derine ver.
Numb your love, give it to the depths.
Artik sana yenilemem!
I won't lose to you anymore!
Git, gözüm görmesin o güzelligini.
Go, let my eyes not see your beauty.
Yeniden sen diye deliremem!
I can't go crazy for you again!
Bana hak ver ya da al des beni.
Give me right or take me away.
Yanindakine ben kardes dedim.
I called the one next to you brother.
Ben, beni çikariyorum o dip kuyudan
I'm pulling myself out of that deep well
Sen çek elini benden, kalles seni.
Take your hand off me, damn you.
Acilari üzerime siz saldiniz.
You attacked me with pain.
En büyük hataniz, kör sandiniz.
Your biggest mistake, you thought I was blind.
Ama degilim. Siz ne anlarsiniz!
But I'm not. What do you understand!
Elini ver bana bu son dansimiz!
Give me your hand, this is our last dance!
Kahretsin! Yine terse bak.
Damn it! Look away again.
Dogadaki renklerim hep sana!
All the colors in nature belong to you!
Siyaha çalan penceremdeyim gölgeni gizleyip, her sabah.
I'm at my window, turning black, hiding your shadow every morning.
Bir günde git bana yazdirma!
Leave in one day, don't make me write to you!
Yaralarim aciyo be, bastirma!
My wounds hurt, don't press!
Onunla evdesin her gün
You're at home with him every day
Boynuna yapisip azdirma!
Don't tease me by clinging to his neck!
Dönülmüyor, ask binince inada.
There's no turning back when love turns to stubbornness.
Kaçinci yoksayis, ekleme bir daha.
How many times have I ignored you, add one more.
Uzaktayim, zaten seni sevmek esitti en büyük günaha.
I'm far away, loving you was already equal to the greatest sin.
Gözünde bal gibi suçluydum.
I was as guilty as sin in your eyes.
Ulan aptal, neyine borçluydum?
Damn fool, what did I owe you?
Peki, 4 yila yakindir bos muydum?
So, was I empty for almost 4 years?
Onunla yatmakta hos muydu?
Was it nice to sleep with him?
Sessizligimize yenildik anne
We were defeated by our silence, mother
Sustuguma bakma gözüm hep kan be.
Don't look at my silence, my eyes are always bleeding.
Kendimi biledim su ugurda her gün
I sharpen myself every day for this cause
Askina sokayim ben hazirim hayde.
Damn your love, I'm ready, come on.
Gidemem, canim burnuma gelse de ben.
I can't leave, even if my life is on the line.
Yine herkesi kendim sandim.
I thought everyone was like me again.
Ya adam olamam ya da ben olamam.
Either I can't be a man or I can't be me.
Bana kendimi ver, git.
Give me myself, go.
Eger bir umut varsa içinde, yüregim avuçlarinin içinde.
If there is any hope inside, my heart is in your palms.
Benim ol diyemem sana zorlama beni.
I can't tell you to be mine, don't force me.
Seni baskasi her gece gözlüyorken
While someone else is waiting for you every night.
Yine herkesi kendim sandim.
I thought everyone was like me again.
Ya adam olamam ya da ben olamam.
Either I can't be a man or I can't be me.
Bana kendimi ver, git.
Give me myself, go.
Eger bir umut varsa içinde, yüregim avuçlarinin içinde.
If there is any hope inside, my heart is in your palms.
Benim ol diyemem sana zorlama beni.
I can't tell you to be mine, don't force me.
Seni baskasi her gece gözlüyorken
While someone else is waiting for you every night.

Авторы: Sancak

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