Sandra N. - Prima iubire - Extended Version - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Sandra N. - Prima iubire - Extended Version

Prima iubire - Extended Version
My First Love - Extended Version
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
Ai fost primul meu sarut
You were my first kiss
Am tot umblat
I was walking around
Am asteptat iar zilele senine
I waited for the better days
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
De ce am ajuns la despartire?
Why did we break up?
Sunt fete care
There are girls who
Au o mie de iubiri
Have a thousand loves
Nu ti se pare
Don't you think
Ca le cunosti din priviri?
That you know them from their looks?
Dar pentru mine
But for me
Tu esti singurul baiat
You're the only boy
Si stii prea bine
And you know too well
Tot ce simt e adevarat
That everything I feel is true
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
De ce am ajuns la despartire?
Why did we break up?
Ai fost primul meu sarut
You were my first kiss
Nu stiu cum pot sa te uit
I don't know how I can forget you
Am tot umblat
I was walking around
Am asteptat iar zilele senine
I waited for the better days
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
De ce am ajuns la despartire?
Why did we break up?
Stiu ca se spune
I know they say
Ne dorim ce nu avem
We want what we don't have
Nu-mi pasa de lume
I don't care about the world
De la tine vreau un semn
I want a sign from you
Si atunci poate
And then maybe
S-ar mai stinge iar din foc
The fire could die down again
Printre pacate
Among the sins
Doar iubirea-si face loc
Only love makes its way
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
De ce am ajuns la despartire?
Why did we break up?
Ai fost primul meu sarut
You were my first kiss
Nu stiu cum pot sa te uit
I don't know how I can forget you
Am tot umblat
I was walking around
Am asteptat iar zilele senine
I waited for the better days
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
De ce am ajuns la despartire?
Why did we break up?
Te-am asteptat sa vii
I waited for you to come
Sa ma salvezi din lumea rea
To save me from the bad world
De cand eram copil
Since I was a child
Visam iubire ca a ta
I dreamed of a love like yours
Dar cu anii
But with the years
Mi-am dat seama
I realized
Ca poti sa visezi degeaba
That you can dream in vain
Viata-i plina de surprize
Life is full of surprises
De nopti albe si de crize
Of sleepless nights and crises
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
Nu vrei sa fii si ultima?
Don't you want to be my last too?
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
De ce am ajuns la despartire?
Why did we break up?
Ai fost primul meu sarut
You were my first kiss
Nu stiu cum pot sa te uit
I don't know how I can forget you
Am tot umblat
I was walking around
Am asteptat iar zilele senine
I waited for the better days
Ai fost prima mea iubire
You were my first love
De ce am ajuns la despartire?
Why did we break up?

Авторы: Adrian Claudiu Sina, Iulia Alexandra Naftanaila, Danut-tudor Georgescu

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