Sanjosex - Corriol (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sanjosex - Corriol (Live)

Corriol (Live)
Corriol (Live)
Busco ideals que he après
I search for ideals that I have discovered
Lluny de casa i no els trobo
Far away from home, and I don't find them
Hi ha un desordre que em preocupat
There is a disorder that worries me
De petit no m'ho havien explicat
When I was little, they didn't tell me this
Costa d'acceptar que les coses van canviant
It's hard to accept that things are changing
Simplement redefinir la manera de sentir
I just have to redefine how I feel
Però no accepto els canvis que hi ha hagut
But I do not accept all these changes that have taken place
Ideals que s'han perdut
Ideals that have been lost
Potser és que he llegit massa llibres d'altres temps
Perhaps it is because I have read too many old books
Potser m'he creat un bell lloc dins del meu cap
Maybe I have created a beautiful place in my head
Però hi havia un temps de veritat
But there was a real time
Tot allò per mi ja s'ha acabat
All that for me has already ended
Busco un lloc meu
I search for a place that belongs to me
Refranys antics
Old proverbs
Sense sentit
Paraules que s'han esvaït
Faded words
Busco un vell corriol on jo de petit jugava
I search for an old path where as a child I used to play
Busco racons que recordo que tots els amics hi anàvem
I search for the nooks and crannies I remember where all of my friends would go
Però tots aquells llocs ja han canviat
But all those places have changed
Sota el ritme de la humanitat
Under the rhythm of humanity
Busco un lloc meu
I search for a place that belongs to me
Busco ideals que he après
I search for ideals that I have discovered
Lluny de casa i no els trobo
Far from home, and I don't find them
Hi ha un desordre que em preocupat
There is a disorder that concerns me
Tot això no m'ho havien explicat
None of this was explained to me
Busco un vell corriol on jo de petit jugava
I search for an old path where as a child I used to play
Però tots aquells llocs ja han canviat
But all those places have changed
Sota el ritme de la humanitat
Under the rhythm of humanity
Busco un lloc meu
I search for a place that belongs to me
Enyoro un temps mai viscut
I long for a time I never lived through
Que em van explicar de petit a casa
That they told me about as a child at home
Enyoro un lloc que potser era una país
I long for a place that was perhaps a country
Però ara veig només
But all I see now
Un piló de gent fent cua.
Is a crowd of people standing in line.

Авторы: Carles Sanjose Bosch

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