Sanjosex - Et Menjaria a Petons (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sanjosex - Et Menjaria a Petons (Live)

Et Menjaria a Petons (Live)
Et Menjaria a Petons (Live)
I tots al teu voltant caiguent com papallones.
And everyone around you falls down like butterflies.
Tu rius tot destriant el que et faci més patxoca.
You laugh when you choose what you like best.
Ho saps, ho saps prou bé, els teus ulls fan caure homes.
You know it very well, your eyes make men fall.
I dius tot somrient, en tenen per estona.
And you say smiling, they have it for a while.
Et menjaria a petons.
I would devour you with kisses.
Per tu ho faria tot, perdria l'honor,
I would do everything for you, I would lose my honor,
Et seré molt franc, sempre t'he estimat.
I will be very frank, I have always loved you.
Et mous sempre al teu grat bufi el vent d'on bufi.
You always move as you like, wherever the wind blows.
Oh tots hem intentat portar-te cap a casa.
Oh, we have all tried to take you home.
Però tu que ho tens clar, a tu no et van els pactes.
But you are very clear about it, you don't like agreements.
Dius tens immunitat a qualsevol contracte.
You say you are immune to any contract.
Et menjaria a petons, que bons.
I would devour you with kisses, how delicious.
Si mai perdo el meu amor, no tinguis pas por,
If I ever lose my love, don't be afraid,
Et vindré a buscar per poder oblidar.
I will come and find you to forget.
Carai, quin goig que fas el dia de Sant Jordi.
Wow, how wonderful you look on Saint George's Day.
Els teus enamorats t'han vestit de roses.
Your lovers have dressed you in roses.
Ni un llibre has regalat, no has trobat encara,
You haven't given anyone a book, you haven't found it yet,
Aquell que esdevindrà company de viatge.
That which will become a traveling companion.
Et menjaria a petons, que bons.
I would devour you with kisses, how delicious.
Per tu ho faria tot, perdria l'honor,
I would do everything for you, I would lose my honor,
Et seré molt franc, sempre t'he estimat.
I will be very frank, I have always loved you.
I tots al teu voltant caiguent com papallones.
And everyone around you falls down like butterflies.

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