Sanjosex - La Pura Realitat - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sanjosex - La Pura Realitat

La Pura Realitat
The Pure Reality
Cada dia de la vida
Every day of life
M'aixeco diferent
I get up different
Ahir estava a la glòria
Yesterday I was in glory
Avui molt malament
Today very badly
M'invento mil històries
I invent a thousand stories
Per veure-ho tot més clar
To see everything clearer
Però quan tinc la teoria
But when I have the theory
La pura realitat la fa canviar
The pure reality makes it change
Faig la llista de les coses
I make a list of the things
Que vull arribar a fer
That I want to get to do
Em marco els objectius
I set my goals
Hauria d'anar
It should go well
Defujo frustacions
I avoid frustrations
Buscant una sortida
Looking for a way out
Però no existeix la brúixula
But there is no compass
Que indiqui com anar per aquesta vida
That indicates how to go through this life
Hauré de respirar
I'll have to breathe
Mirant cap a l'orient
Looking towards the East
Hauré de fer tai-xi
I'll have to do Tai Chi
Hauré de fer un bonsai
I'll have to make a bonsai
I és que provo mil maneres de trobar el meu benestar
And it is that I try a thousand ways to find my well-being
Em miro i em pregunto fins on puc arribar
I look at myself and wonder how far I can go
Sense perdre el nord
Without losing sight of the goal
I és que faci el que faci
And it is that whatever I do
Tinc la sensació
I have the feeling
Que he donat molt més
That I have given so much more
Del que no he rebut jo
Than what I have not received
Buscant la veritat
Searching for the truth
M'he trobat mitja mentida
I have found half a lie
Però si tinc una moneda
But if I have a coin
Tot funciona ben de pressa i de seguida
Everything works very quickly
De petit ho imaginava
As a child I imagined it
Tot molt més senzill
It all being much simpler
Jo vull ser bomber
I want to be a firefighter
Tenir dona i fills
Have a wife and kids
M'aixeco aquest matí
I get up this morning
Mirant per la finestra
Looking out the window
I penso en quantes coses s'han de fer
And I think about how many things need to be done
Fins arribar a la funesta
Until reaching the fatal one
Hauré de meditar
I'll have to meditate
Mirant el sol ixent
Watching the sun rise
Hauré de fer tai-xi
I'll have to do Tai Chi
Hauré de fer un bonsai
I'll have to make a bonsai
I és que provo mil maneres...
And it is that I try a thousand ways...

Авторы: Carles Sanjosé Bosch

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