Sanjosex - Puta (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sanjosex - Puta (Live)

Puta (Live)
Slut (Live)
Vull que em toquis fins al moll de l'os.
I want you to suck me until the end.
No vull que miris al cel si estic enganxat.
I don't want you to look at the sky if I'm hooked.
Vull que gemeguis, que també ho vols,
I want you to moan, you want it too,
L'altre dia em vas dir que t'agradava molt,
The other day you told me you liked it very much,
Acosta't al meu cos, brut és molt millor,
Come closer to my body, dirty is much better,
Vull que em diguis mascle ets el millor.
I want you to tell me you're the best man.
No vull veure un mort al davant.
I don't want to see a dead person in front of me.
Vull que et moguis a un ritme constant.
I want you to move at a constant pace.
Només cal seguir el meu compàs,
Just follow my beat,
és un dos per quatre tu ja ho saps,
it's a two-four you already know,
Anant i vinguent, enrere endavant,
Coming and going, back and forth,
No cal pas parar fins al final
No need to stop until the end
Diga'm bruta, bruta.
Call me dirty, dirty.
Diga'm truja, truja.
Call me a sow, a sow.
Diga'm puta, puta.
Call me a slut, a slut.
Vull que em toquis fins al moll de l'os.
I want you to suck me until the end.
No vull que miris al cel si estic enganxat.
I don't want you to look at the sky if I'm hooked.
Només cal seguir el meu compàs,
Just follow my beat,
és un dos per quatre tu ja ho saps,
it's a two-four you already know,
Anant i vinguent, enrere endavant,
Coming and going, back and forth,
No cal pas parar fins al final
No need to stop until the end
Diga'm bruta, bruta.
Call me dirty, dirty.
Diga'm truja, truja.
Call me a sow, a sow.
Diga'm puta, puta.
Call me a slut, a slut.
Vull que gemeguis, que també ho vols,
I want you to moan, you want it too,
L'altre dia em vas dir que t'agradava molt,
The other day you told me you liked it very much,
Acosta't al meu cos, brut és molt millor,
Come closer to my body, dirty is much better,
Vull que em diguis mascle ets el millor.
I want you to tell me you're the best man.
Només cal seguir el meu compàs,
Just follow my beat,
és un dos per quatre tu ja ho saps,
it's a two-four you already know,
Anant i vinguent, enrere endavant,
Coming and going, back and forth,
No cal pas parar fins al final
No need to stop until the end

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