Sanjosex - Són Instints (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sanjosex - Són Instints (Live)

Són Instints (Live)
Instincts (Live)
Un amic m'ha trucat
A friend called me
Aquest matí s'ha llevat
He woke up this morning
I feia un gran dia
And it was a great day
Per un moment li ha semblat
For a moment it seemed to him
Que tot era molt més clar
That everything was much clearer
Que tot ho comprenia
That he understood everything
Diu si avui vull anar
He says if I want to go today
A veure aquella presó
To visit that prison
Que hi ha a dalt a Sant Julià
High up in Sant Julià
És un lloc misteriós
It's a mysterious place
A sobre el Congost
Above the Congost
Després de Celrà.
After Celrà
Són instints que tenim
They are instincts that we have
Sensacions que vénen de dins
Sensations that come from within
Allà dalt m'ha explicat
Up there he told me
Que una amiga ha deixat
That a friend has left
El noi amb qui estava
The boy she was with
I és que últimament
Well, lately
No se'ls veia contents
They were not seen happy
Ell ja s'ho imaginava
He already imagined it
Diu que va començar
He says it began
Quan li van presentar
When they introduced him
Aquell noi ple d'alegria
That guy, full of joy
Es varen mirar
They looked at each other
Van riure i ja està
They laughed and that's it
Ell ja ho intuïa
He already intuited it
I jo li he preguntat
And I have asked him
Com està l'amic que han deixat?
How is the friend you left?
I està encantat de la vida!
And he is delighted with life!
Quan la cosa no va
When things don't go
Val més deixar-ho estar, no furgar la ferida
It's better to leave it be, not to pry into the wound
Són històries de sempre
They are stories of always
Errors i encerts
Mistakes and turns
I és que costa d'entendre
And it's hard to understand
Per què, per qui, per on...
Why, for whom, how...
Una casa amaga un misteri
A house hides a mystery
Una pedra molts i molts anys
A stone has many, many years
Una vida ve d'una altra vida
One life comes from another life
És fàcil caure en paranys
It's easy to fall into traps
Són instints que tenim, històries de sempre
They are instincts that we have, stories of always
Són cançons que costen d'entendre
They are songs that are difficult to understand

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