Sansar Salvo - Arkadaş - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sansar Salvo - Arkadaş

Yavaşlamaz hayatım bu bence çok yavaş
Doesn't my life slow down, I think it's too slow
Arkadaş bak uyaklarla, t-shirtleri bembeyaz
Friend, look at the rhymes, the t-shirts are white
Ayazda toplamıştı çanta, ayazda tam ayaz
He collected the bag in the frost, it was totally frosty
Kafanda yer edindi, koş dedim topuk biraz
It found a place in your head, I told you to run a little on your heels
Çileli kış geçirdi hayattan kopuk bi yaz
He spent a difficult winter, a summer detached from life
Ağır roman bir sokakta
A heavy novel on a street
Tekrarladı geçmişi
He repeated the past
Bir terlik aldı, çamurluydu yerler, yataksa eski
He bought a slipper, the ground was muddy, the bed was old
Sağda solda kaldı, durdu, sattı aracını çok oldu
He left it on the left and right, he stopped, he sold his car, it's been a long time
Düştü kalktı onla bunla, her durumda yolunu buldu
He fell and got up with this and that, he found his way in any situation
Yürüdüğü bu sokaklarda bir çok kişiyi tanımıyordu
He didn't know many people on these streets he walked on
Hayat böyle ilerler mi kendisi bilemiyordu
He didn't even know if life went on like this
Fakat tüm yabancılarla aynı yerde partilerdi
But he was at the same parties with all the strangers
Takla attığı sabahlar boştu karşı komşu
The mornings he did somersaults were empty, the neighbor across the street
Silah sesleriyle kanka, gecenin körü kurşun
Buddy with gunshots, the middle of the night, lead
Koştu kaçtı, pek telaşlı, gündüzleri hızlı
He ran and escaped, very nervous, fast during the day
Felaketiydi kendisi seçimleriyle düştü
He was his own disaster, he fell through his choices
Düştüğünde tutan yoktu, isteyense fazla
When he fell, no one held him, he wanted too much
İşte bak bu arkadaş tek arkadaş
Here, look, this friend is the only friend
İşte bak bu arkadaş, kıyak bir arkadaş
Here, look, this friend, a cool friend
Bu arkadaş yaşar hayatı harbiden yanaş
This friend lives his life really sideways
Yavaşlamaz hayatım, bu bence çok yavaş
Doesn't my life slow down, I think it's too slow
İşte bak bu arkadaş tek arkadaş
Here, look, this friend is the only friend
İşte bak bu arkadaş, kıyak bir arkadaş
Here, look, this friend, a cool friend
Bu arkadaş yaşar hayatı harbiden yanaş
This friend lives his life really sideways
Yavaşlamaz hayatım, bu bence çok yavaş
Doesn't my life slow down, I think it's too slow
Dur durak bilmeyen, paranoyak bir beyni var
He has a paranoid brain that doesn't know rest or stop
Önünde sanrılar ve olmayan oyuncular
In front of him are delusions and non-existent actors
İçinde bitmeyen ve öldüren bir korku var
There is an endless and killing fear inside him
Korkular kararlı korkular duvar kurar
Persistent fears, fears build walls
Zararlı nameler felaketiyse zor duyar
Harmful names, if it's a disaster, it's hard to hear
Arar viraneler karanlığıyla uyku taht
He searches for ruins, his darkness is his sleep throne
Uykusuz bu gecelerim ve günlerimde yok durak
Sleepless, my nights and days have no stop
Kalemle kağıda baktı sözler aktı kaktı bak
He looked at the pen and paper, the words flowed and pricked, look
İstediği ne, olmayınca çıldıran bunak
What does he want, a crazy old man who goes crazy when it doesn't happen
Kendi ininden kucağına düştü çok salak
He fell from his own burrow, into his lap, he's so stupid
Hatırası çok sıcak, kaçar kaçan bucak, bucak
His memory is very hot, he runs, runs, this place, that place
Bu çakmak oyuncaksa ancak istenen kazanacak
If this lighter is a toy, only the desired will win
Fark edip, terk ettiği tehlikenin bağımlısı
Realizing, he is addicted to the danger he left behind
Gezdiği şehirlerde mikrofon tabancası
In the cities he traveled, a microphone gun
Okumadığı ve bilmediği bir hikayenin aslı
The truth of a story he didn't read and didn't know
Gelecek denen diyarda kitabı yazan göz telaşlı
A restless eye writing a book in a land called the future
İşte bak bu arkadaş tek arkadaş
Here, look, this friend is the only friend
İşte bak bu arkadaş, kıyak bir arkadaş
Here, look, this friend, a cool friend
Bu arkadaş yaşar hayatı harbiden yanaş
This friend lives his life really sideways
Yavaşlamaz hayatım, bu bence çok yavaş
Doesn't my life slow down, I think it's too slow
İşte bak bu arkadaş tek arkadaş
Here, look, this friend is the only friend
İşte bak bu arkadaş, kıyak bir arkadaş
Here, look, this friend, a cool friend
Bu arkadaş yaşar hayatı harbiden yanaş
This friend lives his life really sideways
Yavaşlamaz hayatım, bu bence çok yavaş
Doesn't my life slow down, I think it's too slow

Авторы: Ekincan Arslan

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