Santa Grifa - Quisiera - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Santa Grifa - Quisiera

I Wish
Quisiera que te dieras cuenta de cuento cuentas en mi vida,
I wish you'd realize how much you mean to me,
Que hagas cuenta de cuento luchamos para evitar una despedida,
That you'd understand how hard we fought to avoid this goodbye,
Que los dos lamentaríamos quien diría que mucho nos amaríamos
That we'd both regret it, who would say we loved each other so much?
Quisiera un momento regresar al pasado rectificar corregir lo malo
I wish for a moment to go back in time, to rectify, to correct the bad things
Que nos ah pasado,
That have happened to us,
Cambiar el destino que me ah jugado chueco,
To change the destiny that has played me dirty,
Oigo lento mis latidos del corazón hoy por ti esta sufriendo
I hear my heart beating slowly today, it's suffering for you
Quisiera ser el hombre al que tu amaras,
I wish I were the man you love,
Quisiera tenerte conmigo en cuerpo y alma,
I wish I had you with me in body and soul,
Quisiera ser aquel que por tu mente divaga,
I wish I were the one who wanders through your mind,
Pero no puedo tenerte por situaciones del karma
But I can't have you because of karma's situations
Embriagarme en tu fragancia de linda mujer,
To get drunk on your fragrance of beautiful woman,
Perdernos en el amor que derrama nuestra piel,
To lose ourselves in the love that our skin spills,
Quisiera no alucinar tu presencia esa noche de desvelo que siento que
I wish I wouldn't hallucinate your presence that sleepless night that I feel that
Por ti yo muero,
I die for you,
Quisiera que mis ojos no se nublen de
I wish my eyes didn't cloud over with
Llanto al saber que estas lejos en otros brazos
Tears knowing you are far away in other arms
Si amarte es no verte y verte para perderte
If loving you is not seeing you and seeing you to lose you,
Prefiero amarte y no verte que verte para perderte
I prefer to love you and not see you than to see you to lose you
Quisiera que no fuera un problema la
I wish it wasn't a problem
Distancia, que nos mantiene vivos el amor y la esperanza
The distance that keeps us alive with love and hope
Aun te respiro por que vives en mi mundo,
I still breathe you because you live in my world,
Mi corazón tiene miedo y tomo un camino sin rumbo
My heart is afraid and I take a road with no direction
Quisiera que no fuera un problema la
I wish it wasn't a problem
Distancia, que nos mantiene vivos el amor y la esperanza
The distance that keeps us alive with love and hope
Aun te respiro por que vives en mi mundo,
I still breathe you because you live in my world,
Mi corazón tiene miedo y tomo un camino sin rumbo
My heart is afraid and I take a road with no direction
No te vuelvas a enamorar de la persona equivocada,
Don't fall in love with the wrong person again,
Tu corazón en defensa dile que esta colocada,
Your heart in defense, tell him it's taken,
Para que no pase nadie y de nadie se enamore y si te besa dile que
So that no one passes and falls in love with anyone and if he kisses you tell him that
Mejor primero te valore,
Better value you first,
Que no te baje las estrellas y diga amor verdadero,
Don't let him take the stars down from you and say true love,
Dile que por que yo te las enseñe primero,
Tell him because I showed them to you first,
Si te va a sacar a pasear que sea a un lugar de verdad por que tu y
If he's going to take you out, let it be to a real place because you and
Yo recorrimos toda la cuidad,
I went all over the city,
Dile que tardas demasiado en maquillarte las mejillas,
Tell him you take too long to put on your cheeks,
Que ya no te bese el cuello que ya no te da cosquillas,
That he doesn't kiss your neck anymore, that it doesn't tickle you anymore,
No te dejes sobre pasar como la persona vista yo se que no lo vas a
Don't let yourself get overlooked like the person seen, I know you're not going to
Besar en la primera cita,
Kiss him on the first date,
Primero dile que lo vas a tratar como amigo,
First tell him that you're going to treat him as a friend,
Si habla mal de su ex novia también lo va a hacer contigo,
If he talks bad about his ex-girlfriend, he's going to do it to you too,
Si te toca rápidamente te quiere para un rato,
If he touches you quickly, he wants you for a while,
Si fuma a lado de ti lo vas a tachar de naco,
If he smokes next to you, you're going to label him tacky,
No le vayas a creer todo lo que el te diga,
Don't believe everything he tells you,
Dile que ya tuviste el amor de tu vida,
Tell him you already had the love of your life,
Y dile que para todo yo fui el primero,
And tell him that for everything I was the first,
Ya no va a hacer lo mismo después de andar con un rapero
It won't be the same after dating a rapper
Quisiera que no fuera un problema la
I wish it wasn't a problem
Distancia, que nos mantiene vivos el amor y la esperanza
The distance that keeps us alive with love and hope
Aun te respiro por que vives en mi mundo,
I still breathe you because you live in my world,
Mi corazón tiene miedo y tomo un camino sin rumbo
My heart is afraid and I take a road with no direction
Quisiera que no fuera un problema la
I wish it wasn't a problem
Distancia, que nos mantiene vivos el amor y la esperanza
The distance that keeps us alive with love and hope
Aun te respiro por que vives en mi mundo,
I still breathe you because you live in my world,
Mi corazón tiene miedo y tomo un camino sin rumbo
My heart is afraid and I take a road with no direction
Quisiera que no fuera un problema la
I wish it wasn't a problem
Distancia, que nos mantiene vivos el amor y la esperanza
The distance that keeps us alive with love and hope
Aun te respiro por que vives en mi mundo,
I still breathe you because you live in my world,
Mi corazón tiene miedo y tomo un camino sin rumbo
My heart is afraid and I take a road with no direction

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