Santa Grifa - Sueños - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Santa Grifa - Sueños

Es verdad tal vez no tengo la vida que yo quisiera llevar.
It's true, maybe I don't have the life I'd like to lead.
Pero tengo algo mas!
But I have something more!
A mi clika la Santa Grifa que es mi familia carnal.
My crew, the Santa Grifa, who are my blood family.
Es verdad tal vez no tengo la vida que yo quisiera llevar.
It's true, maybe I don't have the life I'd like to lead.
Pero tengo algo mas!
But I have something more!
A mi clika la Santa Grifa que es mi familia carnal.
My crew, the Santa Grifa, who are my blood family.
Cuando Pensaba que Yo estaba solo.
When I thought I was alone,
Ese chiquillo que siempre se agüitaba por todo
That kid who always got upset about everything,
Si ya paso ni modo a mi me toca aguantar.
If it's already over, too bad, I have to endure it.
Este dolor es mio y Nadie me lo va a quitar
This pain is mine and no one is going to take it away from me.
Pero yo vi algo mas cada que a la calle salia
But I saw something else every time I went out on the street,
Que locota es la vida dime quien pensaría
How crazy life is, who would have thought
Que los vatos de la esquina comprenderían tanto
That the guys on the corner would understand so much
Desde una lágrima en la mejilla
From a tear on my cheek
Hasta un mar de llanto
To a sea of tears.
Lo que es la vida de ayer que no le interesa a nadie
What life is like yesterday that nobody cares about,
Y alguien me dijo cuentas conmigo y bien lo sabes.
And someone told me you count on me and you know it well.
pisa firme y descuida que voy detrás de ti
You walk steadily and don't worry, I'm behind you.
No te preocupes lo supe cuando te conocí
Don't worry, I knew it when I met you,
En una noche de loquera, como Siempre
On a crazy night, as always.
Entre vicio y gente se formo este ambiente
Between vice and people this environment was formed
Que hasta un delincuente tiene corazón
That even a criminal has a heart
Y si hace lo que hace, siempre es por una razón
And if he does what he does, it's always for a reason.
Todos tenemos sueños y yo tenia el mio.
We all have dreams and I had mine.
Representar a el Barrio &' a los Homies' con los que he crecido
To represent the neighborhood &' the homies' with whom I grew up.
Santa Anita, desde hoy seras Santa Grifa
Santa Anita, from today you will be Santa Grifa.
Así la bautizaron esos locos de la Clika
That's what those crazy people from the Clika named it.
Y yo les prometí levantar ese nombre por todos lados así que no me pregunten donde
And I promised them to raise that name everywhere, so don't ask me where.
Palabra de hombre homs' si no que me parta un rayo yo y aquí miran a su gallo.
Word of a man's homs', if not me, let a thunderbolt strike me and here they look at their cock.
Es verdad tal vez no tengo la vida que yo quisiera llevar.
It's true, maybe I don't have the life I'd like to lead.
Pero tengo algo mas!
But I have something more!
A mi clika la Santa Grifa que es mi familia carnal.
My crew, the Santa Grifa, who are my blood family.
Es verdad tal vez no tengo la vida que yo quisiera llevar.
It's true, maybe I don't have the life I'd like to lead.
Pero tengo algo mas!
But I have something more!
A mi clika la Santa Grifa que es mi familia carnal.
My crew, the Santa Grifa, who are my blood family.
Yaao! pase varias horas y días de desvelo,
Yaao! I spent several hours and days of sleeplessness,
Todo fue para conseguir lo que mas quiero
It was all to get what I want the most.
Me costo trabajo pero conseguir respeto
It cost me work but to get respect
Ahora mi trabajo es poner en alto mi getho
Now my job is to put my getho on the map.
&' que mejor que ya cuento con mi familia
&' what better than that I already have my family,
El que este escuchando esto ya sabe que es Santa Grifa
Whoever is listening to this already knows that it is Santa Grifa.
Puro carnal que me a sacado de ruedo
Puro carnal who pulled me out of the ring,
Y ya no sabe si andan marihuanos o pedos.
And you don't know if they're walking potheads or farts.
Todo surgió a Finales del 2013
It all came about at the end of 2013,
Aunque algunos no les parezca y aunque les pese,
Although some don't like it and although it weighs on them,
Saben que llevamos el control de este lado
You know we have control of this side.
Como sea ni nos importa siempre andamos volando
Anyway, we don't care, we're always flying.
Al chile me vale que la gente diga que me perdí en el alcohol
To the chile I don't care what people say that I got lost in alcohol,
Cada homie que me escucha sabe que yo levanto mi barrio tan cool,
Every homie who listens to me knows that I raise my neighborhood so cool,
Cada pista que yo saco es para ponerle un chingo de Huevos &' Gravarla
Every track I put out is to put a lot of eggs &' to record it.
No tengo la vida que quisiera a el mudo venimos rifarla.
I don't have the life I would like, to the world we come to play it.
Es verdad tal vez no tengo la vida que yo quisiera llevar.
It's true, maybe I don't have the life I'd like to lead.
Pero tengo algo mas!
But I have something more!
A mi clika la Santa Grifa que es mi familia carnal.
My crew, the Santa Grifa, who are my blood family.
Es verdad tal vez no tengo la vida que yo quisiera llevar.
It's true, maybe I don't have the life I'd like to lead.
Pero tengo algo mas!
But I have something more!
A mi clika la Santa Grifa que es mi familia carnal.
My crew, the Santa Grifa, who are my blood family.

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