Santa Salut - Marcada - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Santa Salut - Marcada

Dona'm una bona base que començo a rapejar
Give me a good beat and I'll start rapping
Su rima directa bombo clap
My rhymes are direct, boom-clap
Trepitjo la calçada vaig pujant tot i no tenint gaire alçada
I tread the pavement, rising up even though I'm not that tall
Ja estic marcada
I'm already marked
Amb la meva música vull fer pensar cadascú dins les ales
With my music I want to make everyone think within their wings
Explota a la cara com un bengala de coneixença tinc gana
It explodes in your face like a sparkler, I'm hungry for knowledge
No besaré en vano a ninguna rana
I won't kiss any frogs in vain
Me da igual que me llames marrana
I don't care if you call me a pig
Hago lo mismo que tú, lo que me da la gana
I do the same as you, whatever I want
Todos lloramos en la almohada,
We all cry into our pillows,
Inmersos en la sábana, cabeza atolondrada
Immersed in the sheets, head spinning
No des mierda que ya esté dada
Don't give me shit that's already been given
Me quejaré en cada situación donde me vea ahogada, colgada, cortada
I will complain in every situation where I see myself drowning, hanging, cut
Con fuerza, callada, degollada
With strength, silently, beheaded
Ya estoy suficientemente marcada
I'm already marked enough
Yeah, everybody, if you've got what it takes
Yeah, everybody, if you've got what it takes
Esta vida es más friki que cuando miraba en video-casete a Mickey
This life is more freaky than when I watched Mickey on videotape
La peña se evade comiendo tripi
People escape by eating acid
Vull que algú m'expliqui per què tothom sembla un maniquí
I want someone to explain to me why everyone looks like a mannequin
En vegades vull marxar d'aquí, em pregunto que m'espera el destí
Sometimes I want to leave here, I wonder what destiny awaits me
Rap des-de l'intestí
Rap from the gut
Necessito despertar, fes-me un pessic
I need to wake up, pinch me
Se me'n carrega el beat i expulso verí com un mosquit
The beat charges me up and I expel poison like a mosquito
Assenyalo amb el dit cap amunt que arribi el meu crit
I point my finger up so that my cry may reach
Creo sons com un grill, àgil com un conill
I create sounds like a cricket, agile like a rabbit
Explico frustacions amb estil
I explain frustrations with style
A vegades només vull demostrar els meus skills
Sometimes I just want to show off my skills
A vegades intento lligar paraules com si fossin fils
Sometimes I try to tie words together as if they were threads
Vull veure que tinc a dins, descobrir el meu fi
I want to see what I have inside, discover my end
Aprendre a saber dir que no i saber dir que
Learn to know how to say no and know how to say yes
Poder decidir qui es amb mi, qui vol veure'm feliç
To be able to decide who is with me, who wants to see me happy
Perquè aquí estic, ah, el temps real el visc
Because here I am, ah, I live the real time
Yeah, everybody, if you've got what it takes
Yeah, everybody, if you've got what it takes

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