Santaflow - La Cabra Tira Al Monte - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Santaflow - La Cabra Tira Al Monte

La Cabra Tira Al Monte
The Goat Pulls to the Mountain
Todo parece brillar y tu pareces lo más
Everything seems to shine and you seem to be the best
Todos te quieren será que tu les pones la sal
Everyone loves you, it must be that you give them the salt
Y mientras tengas percal esa ilusión durará
And as long as you have money, that illusion will last
Y ahora prefieres vivir tu realidad virtual
And now you prefer to live your virtual reality
Todo parece brillar y tu pareces lo más
Everything seems to shine and you seem to be the best
Todos te quieren será que tu les pones la sal
Everyone loves you, it must be that you give them the salt
Y mientras tengas percal esa ilusión durará
And as long as you have money, that illusion will last
Y ahora prefieres vivir tu realidad virtual
And now you prefer to live your virtual reality
Lo he dejado ya, yo ahora soy legal, yo ya no me drogo
I've quit it, I'm legal now, I don't do drugs anymore
Yo ya no comercio y me duele mucho que no crean mi verdad
I don't deal anymore and it hurts me that people don't believe my truth
Lo he dejado ya yo ahora soy legal y no importa si de vez en cuando
I've quit it, I'm legal now, and it doesn't matter if every now and then
Un poco lo vuelvo a probar, la cabra tira al monte
I try it again, the goat pulls to the mountain
No me cuentes más historias, se tu trayectoria
Don't tell me more stories, I know your trajectory
Con que van aliñadas tus noches de gloria
With what your nights of glory are seasoned
No se que pretendes a quien quieres engañar
I don't know what you're trying to do, who you're trying to fool
Cada Lunes con la depre dices 'no me pongo más'
Every Monday with the depression you say 'I'm not doing it anymore'
Cuando estoy sin verte un tiempo y nos volvemos a encontrar
When I haven't seen you for a while and we meet again
Siempre dices que estás limpio y que andas muy centrado ya
You always say you're clean and you're focused now
Tras tomarte cuatro whiskys te empiezas a desfasar
After four whiskeys you start to unravel
Sale tu aútentico yo y dices que es una excepción
Your authentic self comes out and you say it's an exception
Por mi no te preocupes no soy tu papá
Don't worry about me, I'm not your dad
Hace tiempo no te creo y me deje de preocupar
I stopped believing you a long time ago and stopped worrying
Yo comprendo que en tu mundo no hay amigos de verdad
I understand that in your world there are no real friends
Pero tu te lo has buscado, que te puedo yo contar?
But you looked for it, what can I tell you?
Porque nada es como antes no somos uña y carne cambiamos
Because nothing is like before, we are not inseparable, we changed
De camino y el tiempo pasa, no puedo ni quiero seguir tu ritmo
Path and time passes, I can't and don't want to follow your rhythm
No salgo contigo no me des la brasa
I don't go out with you, don't bug me
Llevas así tanto tiempo que colocado es tu estado natural
You've been like this for so long that being high is your natural state
Por más que lo intentes ocultar prefieres el desmadre que a tu madre
No matter how hard you try to hide it, you prefer chaos over your mother
O la amistad
Or friendship
La cabra tira al monte dice el refrán
The goat pulls to the mountain, the saying goes
Y el tuyo está oscuro, es una espiral
And yours is dark, it's a spiral
Yo estuve allí pues me gusta probar
I was there because I like to try
Más la vida es bonita y la supe valorar
But life is beautiful and I knew how to appreciate it
Todo parece brillar y tu pareces lo más
Everything seems to shine and you seem to be the best
Todos te quieren será que tu les pones la sal
Everyone loves you, it must be that you give them the salt
Y mientras tengas percal esa ilusión durará
And as long as you have money, that illusion will last
Y ahora prefieres vivir tu realidad virtual
And now you prefer to live your virtual reality
Todo parece brillar y tu pareces lo más
Everything seems to shine and you seem to be the best
Todos te quieren será que tu les pones la sal
Everyone loves you, it must be that you give them the salt
Y mientras tengas percal esa ilusión durará
And as long as you have money, that illusion will last
Y ahora prefieres vivir tu realidad virtual
And now you prefer to live your virtual reality
Lo he dejado ya, yo ahora soy legal, yo ya no me drogo
I've quit it, I'm legal now, I don't do drugs anymore
Yo ya no comercio y me duele mucho que no crean mi verdad
I don't deal anymore and it hurts me that people don't believe my truth
Lo he dejado ya yo ahora soy legal y no importa si de vez en cuando
I've quit it, I'm legal now, and it doesn't matter if every now and then
Un poco lo vuelvo a probar, la cabra tira al monte
I try it again, the goat pulls to the mountain
Es fin de semana, seis de la mañana, con esa cara no te conoce ni tu hermana
It's the weekend, six in the morning, with that face, not even your sister recognizes you
Si te ve tu mamá, se le rompe el alma, porque llevas la mandíbula desencajada
If your mom sees you, her soul breaks, because your jaw is dislocated
Ojos muy abiertos salen de sus cuencas, rojos como los numeros en tu cuenta
Wide-open eyes pop out of their sockets, red like the numbers in your account
Y apostaría que tu jefe te despediría, cuando vea en Facebook tus fotografías
And I'd bet your boss would fire you, when he sees your pictures on Facebook
Nadie te fia vas haciendote agujeros, un diler pregunta por ti quiere su dinero
Nobody trusts you, you're digging yourself into holes, a dealer is asking for you, he wants his money
Andas paranoico cuando estás sereno porque te pueden rajar no serías
You're paranoid when you're sober because they can cut you off, you wouldn't be
El primero man
The first, man
Eres un peligro y nadie sabe como acabarás, todas las sustancias te gustan por igual
You're a danger and nobody knows how you'll end up, you like all substances equally
A media mañana cuando salgo a pasear tu ya llevas siete chelas, un tequila
Mid-morning when I go for a walk you've already had seven beers, a tequila
Y algo más, tan borracho que no puedes caminar mas, que te metes
And something else, so drunk that you can't walk anymore, that you go
A la cama para descansar, te levantas con la luna empiezas a fumar
To bed to rest, you wake up with the moon, you start smoking
No te queda pasta tienes que tranzar, tienes una playstation y una
You don't have any money left, you have to deal, you have a PlayStation and a
Caña de pescar, te las llevas a empeñar para poder costear
Fishing rod, you take them to pawn to afford
Una cosa que tu sabes como adulterar, y a niñatos con polvo de tanto estafarás
Something you know how to adulterate, and you'll scam kids with dust
Haces dos llamadas solo queda esperar y a las once no deja de sonar tu celular
You make two calls, all that's left is to wait, and at eleven your cell phone won't stop ringing
Tumbas el espejo y te sirves tu premio, dejas el mono agudiza
You knock down the mirror and serve yourself your prize, you leave the monkey, sharpen
El ingenio, porque llega medianoche
Your ingenuity, because midnight comes
Y tu cartera está llena tus deudas tu deberias pagar, pero no sabes parar
And your wallet is full, your debts you should pay, but you don't know how to stop
Y te metes todo el benificio por los orificios y vuelta a empezar
And you put all the profit through the holes and start all over again
Todo parece brillar y tu pareces lo más
Everything seems to shine and you seem to be the best
Todos te quieren será que tu les pones la sal
Everyone loves you, it must be that you give them the salt
Y mientras tengas percal esa ilusión durará
And as long as you have money, that illusion will last
Y ahora prefieres vivir tu realidad virtual
And now you prefer to live your virtual reality
Todo parece brillar y tu pareces lo más
Everything seems to shine and you seem to be the best
Todos te quieren será que tu les pones la sal
Everyone loves you, it must be that you give them the salt
Y mientras tengas percal esa ilusión durará
And as long as you have money, that illusion will last
Y ahora prefieres vivir tu realidad virtual
And now you prefer to live your virtual reality
Lo he dejado ya, yo ahora soy legal, yo ya no me drogo
I've quit it, I'm legal now, I don't do drugs anymore
Yo ya no comercio y me duele mucho que no crean mi verdad
I don't deal anymore and it hurts me that people don't believe my truth
Lo he dejado ya yo ahora soy legal y no importa si de vez en cuando
I've quit it, I'm legal now, and it doesn't matter if every now and then
Un poco lo vuelvo a probar, la cabra tira al monte
I try it again, the goat pulls to the mountain

Авторы: Santos Ortiz Ivan

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