Santo feat. George Hora - Lasa-Ma Sa Plec (feat. George Hora) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Santo feat. George Hora - Lasa-Ma Sa Plec (feat. George Hora)

Lasa-Ma Sa Plec (feat. George Hora)
Release Me (feat. George Hora)
Lasa-ma sa plec, lasa-ma sa plec
Release me, release me
Lasa-ma sa plec, poate asa-i mai bine
Release me, maybe it will be better this way
Da, recunosc, te iubesc, dar nu sunt prost
Yes, I confess, I love you, but I'm not stupid
Vrei sa conduci, sa fii general in post
You want to lead, to be a general in charge
Te agiti, folosesti arme secrete
You agitate, you use secret weapons
Dar fierbi cand te pun cu forta la perete
But you boil when I put you up against the wall
Sincer iti spun ca jocul asta nu-i prea bun
To be honest, this game isn't very good
Defileu printre munti, e ca gandul fara fum
A parade through the mountains, it's like a thought without smoke
In fata mea te topesti, taci si doar zambesti
In front of me you melt, you keep quiet and just smile
Iar la telefon imi arati cat de perversa esti
And on the phone you show me how perverse you are
Ce avem noi e arta nascuta din doi artisti
What we have is an art born from two artists
Hai sa lasam orgoliul, de ce nu vrei sa risti
Let's leave the arrogance behind, why don't you want to risk it
E culoare, pasiune, iubire devastatoare
It's color, passion, devastating love
Ca furtuna pe mare, strange-ma la piept tare
Like a storm at sea, hold me tight to your chest
Sau, daca nu, lasa-ma, lasa-ma sa plec
Or, if not, release me, release me
Nu vreau sa mai aud daca e sau nu corect
I don't want to hear anymore if it's right or wrong
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma, lasa-ma sa plec
Release me, release me, release me
Nu mai vreau cu tine sa ma intrec
I don't want to compete with you anymore
Lasa-ma sa plec, poate asa-i mai bine
Release me, maybe it will be better this way
Lasa-ma sa fiu departe de tine
Release me to be far away from you
Lasa-ma sa zbor, sa dispar in noapte
Release me to fly, to disappear into the night
Tot ce ne-a legat, acuma ne desparte
Everything that bound us, now tears us apart
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma, lasa-ma sa plec
Release me, release me, release me
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma, ce faci tu n-i corect
Release me, release me, what you're doing is not right
Ma tii legat de tine, sufletul ma doare
You keep me tied to you, my soul aches
Ca o ancora, de maini si de picioare
Like an anchor, to my hands and feet
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma
Release me, release me
Lasa-ma sa plec
Release me
Ce conteaza ce a fost, oricum nu mai e
What does it matter what was, it's gone anyway
Ce conteaza ce am facut, daca ramane in trecut
What does it matter what we did, if it remains in the past
Vrei sa te scoti, ai uitat cum ma priveai
You want to redeem yourself, you've forgotten how you looked at me
Ce zambet aveai cand cu mine de mana erai
What a smile you had when you were holding my hand
Ai uitat noptile in pat, zilele impreuna
You have forgotten the nights in bed, the days together
Ne comportam ca doi copii, cum o sa ramana
We behaved like two children, how will it remain
Cu toate astea, acum au radacini in suflet
Despite all that, now they have roots in my soul
Si fara ele nu prea ma simt complet
And without them I don't feel quite complete
Nu ma lega, vreau sa fiu in lumea mea
Don't tie me down, I want to be in my own world
Tin la tine mult si te vreau in ea
I care about you a lot and I want you in it
Fara ganduri negative sau orgolii stupide
Without negative thoughts or stupid pride
Ca, toate adunate, pentru iubire sunt nocive
Because, all put together, they are harmful to love
De ce nu intelegi, lasa-ma sa plec
Why don't you understand, release me
Nu vreau sa mai aud daca e sau nu corect
I don't want to hear anymore if it's right or wrong
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma, lasa-ma sa plec
Release me, release me, release me
Nu mai vreau cu tine sa ma intrec
I don't want to compete with you anymore
Lasa-ma sa plec, poate asa-i mai bine
Release me, maybe it will be better this way
Lasa-ma sa fiu departe de tine
Release me to be far away from you
Lasa-ma sa zbor, sa dispar in noapte
Release me to fly, to disappear into the night
Tot ce ne-a legat, acuma ne desparte
Everything that bound us, now tears us apart
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma, lasa-ma sa plec
Release me, release me, release me
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma, ce faci tu n-i corect
Release me, release me, what you're doing is not right
Ma tii legat de tine, sufletul ma doare
You keep me tied to you, my soul aches
Ca o ancora, de maini si de picioare
Like an anchor, to my hands and feet
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma
Release me, release me
Lasa-ma sa plec
Release me
Lasa-ma, lasa-ma
Release me, release me
Lasa-ma sa plec
Release me

Авторы: Santo

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