Sara Hebe - Violeta Perro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Sara Hebe - Violeta Perro

Violeta Perro
Purple Dog
Eu, no me dejés, oh yeah
Hey, don't leave me, oh yeah
Te di un lugar, te di mi amor y te di de comer
I gave you a place, I gave you my love, and I fed you
Te lo pido bien
I'm asking you nicely
Vos me soltás la mano, sos una pied′...
You let go of my hand, you're a piece of sh...
Smoking marihuana para ver si aclara
Smoking marijuana to see if it clears up
Drinking agua mala para relajar
Drinking bad water to relax
Pensar con la mirada, estar sin hacer nada
Thinking with my gaze, being without doing anything
Así, así (Oh)
Just like this (Oh)
Inconducente de palabra
Inconsequential in words
Lo que dice no me sirve
What you say doesn't serve me
Y lo que hace abracadabra
And what you do is abracadabra
Tus frases son el hit de este verano del demonio
Your phrases are the hit of this summer of the devil
Resuenan en mi cuerpo agujereado y se meten en mi sueño
They resonate in my pierced body and creep into my dreams
Rebotan y me aplastan, son pesadas
They bounce and crush me, they're heavy
Como camiones de ilusiones viejas
Like trucks of old illusions
Onda de vidas pasadas, qué pesadas
Waves of past lives, how heavy
Maldigo todo, como Violeta
I curse everything, like Violeta
Que en paz descanse, que no me canse
May she rest in peace, may she not tire me
Y me encuentre yo con una nueve o una treinta
And may I find myself with a nine or a thirty
Porque haría como Violeta
Because I would do like Violeta
Disparo, ¡aro!, folklore vivo de esta tierra
I shoot, hoop!, living folklore of this land
Incandescente luz dorada
Incandescent golden light
Potencia que potencia
Power that empowers
A todo el mundo en un mismo ánimo
Everyone in the same spirit
Tu mamá me mima, a vos te vigila y a no
Your mom spoils me, she watches over you and not me
De este pozo salgo corriendo
I'm running out of this pit
Esta opresión me convirtió en atleta
This oppression turned me into an athlete
Corro como el agua, los pensamientos pasan
I run like water, thoughts pass by
Los voy dejando atrás
I'm leaving them behind
No es lo mismo con los sentimientos
It's not the same with feelings
Una imagen en un imán
An image on a magnet
Al frente van en procesión
They go in front in a procession
Del inconsciente y su religión
Of the unconscious and its religion
Eu, no me dejés, oh yeah
Hey, don't leave me, oh yeah
Te di un lugar, te di mi amor y te di de comer
I gave you a place, I gave you my love, and I fed you
Te lo pido bien
I'm asking you nicely
Vos me soltás la mano, sos una piedra de...
You let go of my hand, you're a stone...
Eu, no me dejés, oh yeah
Hey, don't leave me, oh yeah
Te di un lugar, te di mi amor y te di de comer
I gave you a place, I gave you my love, and I fed you
Te lo pido bien
I'm asking you nicely
Vos me soltás la mano, sos una piedra de pie
You let go of my hand, you're a standing stone
Eh y eh
Eh and eh
Eh, eh. Eh y eh
Eh, eh. Eh and eh
Hey, hey
Hey, hey
Smoking marihuana para ver si aclara
Smoking marijuana to see if it clears up
Drinking agua mala para relajar
Drinking bad water to relax
Pensar con la mirada, estar sin hacer nada
Thinking with my gaze, being without doing anything
Así, así
Just like this
Cuando la noche empieza de día
When the night begins during the day
Termina a los dos o tres días
It ends after two or three days
Calavera busca en cuclillas
Skull searches squatting
Una bolsilla de la que brilla
For a shiny pocket
Pero como no la encuentra
But since it doesn't find it
Ahí se da cuenta y se apilla
That's when it realizes and gets high
Al filo del vidrio cortado
At the edge of the cut glass
Saca una punta y te acuchilla
It takes out a tip and stabs you
Estamos haciendo un fuego
We're making a fire
Estamos haciendo cositas
We're doing little things
Tejo redes de hilo invisible
I weave nets of invisible thread
Yo te conozco, ma-mascarita
I know you, little mask
Voy midiendo actitudes
I'm measuring attitudes
Mientras me hago la tontita
While I play dumb
Hilos entre la gente
Threads among the people
Yo tejo redes y te jodes
I weave nets and you get screwed
"Nos conocimos por la Sara", dijo la Laura, "sos pura aura"
"We met through Sara", said Laura, "you're pure aura"
Vos ya no tenés karma. Te felicito, quiero tu alma
You no longer have karma. Congratulations, I want your soul
La quiero para amamantarla, ma-masticarla y ama-ma-amarla
I want it to breastfeed it, chew it and lo-lo-love it
(Y ama-ma-amarla, y ama-ma-amarla)
(And lo-lo-love it, and lo-lo-love it)
Eu, no me dejés, oh yeah
Hey, don't leave me, oh yeah
Te di un lugar, te di mi amor y te di de comer
I gave you a place, I gave you my love, and I fed you
Te lo pido bien
I'm asking you nicely
Vos me soltás la mano, sos una piedra de pie
You let go of my hand, you're a standing stone
No me dejés, oh yeah
Don't leave me, oh yeah
Te di un lugar, te di mi amor y te di de comer
I gave you a place, I gave you my love, and I fed you
Te lo pido bien
I'm asking you nicely
Vos me soltás la mano, sos una piedra de pie
You let go of my hand, you're a standing stone
Eh y eh
Eh and eh
Eh, eh. Eh y eh (Eu)
Eh, eh. Eh and eh (Hey)
Smoking marihuana para ver si aclara
Smoking marijuana to see if it clears up
Drinking agua mala para relajar
Drinking bad water to relax
Pensar con la mirada, estar sin hacer nada
Thinking with my gaze, being without doing anything
Así, así (Oh)
Just like this (Oh)

Авторы: Sara Hebe Merino, Ramiro Justo Bochatay

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