Sara Montiel - Ola, Ola, Ola (Mare Nostrum) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sara Montiel - Ola, Ola, Ola (Mare Nostrum)

Ola, Ola, Ola (Mare Nostrum)
Ola, Ola, Ola (Mare Nostrum)
Ola, que pones encajes, en la arena
Ola, you who put lace on the sand
Que guardas encanto de sirena
Who keeps the mermaid's charm
Espejo de la luna quieres ser
You want to be the moon's mirror
Mar, temible cuando estas, enfurecido
Oh sea, fearful when you are furious
Que olvides tus rencores, yo te pido
I beg you to forget your grudges
Y seas confidente, del querer
And be a confidant to love
Oh mare nostro
Oh, our sea
Tan azul de mirarte en el cielo
So blue to look at you in the sky
Los que tienen amore y anhelos
Those who have love and longings
Un mensaje te queiren confiar
Want to entrust you with a message
O mare nostro
Oh, our sea
Aunque lejos su tierra y la mia
Although her land and mine are far away
Estan juntas porque noche y día
They are together because night and day
Las unen las olas del mar
The waves of the sea unite them
Ola, ola, ola
Ola, ola, ola
No vengas sola
Do not come alone
Ola, ola, ola
Ola, ola, ola
Ven con mi amor
Come with my love
Ola, ola, ola
Ola, ola, ola
No vengas sola
Do not come alone
Ola, ola, ola
Ola, ola, ola
Ven con mi amor
Come with my love
O mare nostro
Oh, our sea
Aunque lejos su tierra y la mia
Although her land and mine are far away
Estan juntas porque noche y día
They are together because night and day
Las unen las olas del mar
The waves of the sea unite them
Ola, ola, ola
Ola, ola, ola
No vengas sola
Do not come alone
Ola, ola, ola
Ola, ola, ola
Ven con mi amor
Come with my love
Ola, ola, ola
Ola, ola, ola
No vengas sola
Do not come alone
Ven con mi amor
Come with my love
Ola, ola, ola
Ola, ola, ola

Авторы: Augusto Alguero, Gasa, J. Moreu

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