Sara Roy - Som - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sara Roy - Som

Som de cada part del món
The sound of every part of the world
D'aquells indrets que busquem on trobem mil cançons
Of those places we seek where we find a thousand songs
Som d'aquells mitjos records
We are of those half memories
De l'aigua que ens ofega i ens fa sentir millor
Of the water that drowns us and makes us feel better
Som surfistes navegants
We are surfing sailors
Que creuen carreteres com pas de vianants
Who cross roads like pedestrians
Som del sol d'aquest hivern
We are of the sun of this winter
Que entela les finestres juntament amb el fred
That clouds the windows with the cold
Som de res en singular, tampoc de punts i a part
We are of nothing in the singular, nor of periods and commas
Si encara tenim sort i alguna coma ens hem deixat de veritat
If we are still lucky, and we have actually left out some commas
I si la màgia del destí ens portes a mitjanit
And if the magic of destiny takes us to midnight
Les estrelles que vam ser ahir
The stars that we were yesterday
I si la lluna et pren del pit tot l'amor que guardes dins
And if the moon takes from your breast all the love you keep inside
Podem prometre'ns que som i serem aquí
We can promise each other that we are and will be here
Som d'històries en la ment
We are of stories in the mind
D'aquells que les recorden i expliquen somrient
Of those who remember and tell them smiling
Som tot el que no vam ser
We are everything we were not
Som aire de promeses que ja no diuen res
We are air of promises that no longer mean anything
Som de res en singular, tampoc de punts i a part
We are of nothing in the singular, nor of periods and commas
Si encara tenim sort i alguna coma ens hem deixat de veritat
If we are still lucky, and we have actually left out some commas
I si la màgia del destí, ens portes a mitjanit
And if the magic of destiny takes us to midnight
Les estrelles que vam ser ahir
The stars that we were yesterday
I si la lluna et pren del pit tot l'amor que guardes dins
And if the moon takes from your breast all the love you keep inside
Podem prometre'ns que som i serem aquí
We can promise each other that we are and will be here
I si la màgia del destí, ens portes a mitjanit
And if the magic of destiny takes us to midnight
Les estrelles que vam ser ahir
The stars that we were yesterday
I si la lluna et pren del pit tot l'amor que guardes dins
And if the moon takes from your breast all the love you keep inside
Podem prometre'ns que som i serem aquí
We can promise each other that we are and will be here
Som de cada part del món
We are of every part of the world
D'aquells indrets que busquem on trobem mil cançons
Of those places we seek where we find a thousand songs
Som d'aquells mitjos records
We are of those half memories
De l'aigua que ens ofega i ens fa sentir millor
Of the water that drowns us and makes us feel better

Авторы: Sara Roy Lopez, Jordi Pinot I Grane

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