Sargentorap - Carlos y Lorena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sargentorap - Carlos y Lorena

Carlos y Lorena
Charles and Lorraine
Desde Fetema Estudio
From Fetema Estudio
Con Alejandra Aguirre
With Alejandra Aguirre
Dos antojos y un Hambre
Two cravings and one Hunger
Carlos era un chico más
Carlos was just another guy.
dando malos pasos
taking bad steps
andaba de pelea en pelea
he was going from fight to fight
Y jamas hizo caso
And he never paid attention
Las drogas y el alcohol
Drugs and alcohol
hacian su tiempo despacio
they made their time slowly
la fiesta y la banda
the party and the band
fue su movimiento en falso
it was his wrong move
Una relacion seria secreto
A relationship would be secret
Otras tres abiertas
Three others open
y ni una basada en el respeto
and not one based on respect
cuatro amigas con derechos
four friends with rights
si no se sentia completo
if he didn't feel complete
solo pedia a Dios cuando estaba
i just prayed to God when I was
en aprietos
in trouble
En su familia siempre fue un plato
In his family it was always a dish
si el problema no era suyo
if the problem wasn't yours
lo dejaba a un lado
I would put it aside
tenia problemas de ira
I had anger issues
era celoso compulsivo
he was compulsively jealous
egoista y negativo
selfish and negative
con todo el odio guardado
with all the hate saved
Dio la cara por los que
He stood up for those who
despues lo traicionaron
then they betrayed him
vivio desepcionado
i lived desepted
por los que no lo aguantaron
for those who couldn't stand it
cuanto tuvo que pasar
how much had to happen
y cuantas cosas no pasaron
and how many things didn't happen
ya que tarde y temprano se las
because sooner and later they
they accommodated
Siempre cerraba las puertas
He always locked the doors
que se le habrian
that they would have
era un chico dedicado pero
he was a dedicated guy but
siempre confundía
he was always confusing
las noches y los dias
the nights and the days
su mente no dormia
his mind was not sleeping
y cargaba un humor del que
and he carried a humor of which
cualquiera desconfia
anyone is suspicious
Una martes comun
An ordinary Tuesday
se topó con Lorena
he met with Lorena
la chica que en el pasado le gustaba
the girl he liked in the past
cenaron y ella le platico
they had dinner and she talked to him
lo que por años ignoró
what he ignored for years
y menos se lo esperaba
and the least he expected
Pasé la vida
I spent my life
remando contra mi
rowing against me
poniendo a prueba
putting to the test
y te has equivocado
and you've made a mistake
hasta que llegó
until he arrived
con quien no puedo competir
with whom I cannot compete
me cambio, hasta la mirada
i change, even the look

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