Sarvar va Komil - So'rama - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sarvar va Komil - So'rama

Love's Request
Ketaveraman, sevgim yo'lidan
I wander aimlessly, lost in the path of my love
Izlayveraman joy men qalbingdan
I follow you, my heart heavy with longing
Seni so'rayman, o'zimni izlayman
I search for you, seeking my own soul
Men tinmay ko'zingdan
I cannot tear my gaze from you
Boraveraman seni ortingdan
I hover around you, unable to leave your presence
Qanchalar meni sen rad etsang ham
No matter how many times you reject me
So'ra jonimni, so'ra borimni
I beg you for my life, for my existence
Men beray lekin sen,
I give you everything, yet you
So'rama seni unutishimni
Ask me not to forget you
So'rama meni ojiz qalbimni
Ask me not to break my helpless heart
Qiynama Sensiz yashashga
Do not torture me with a life without you
Meni undama urinma!
Do not try to make me forget you!
Izlama mendan ketishchun
Do not seek to leave me
Sabab izlama! Buni bari bahona
Do not make excuses! It is all pretense
O'ylama! Meni ahvolimni
Do not think! Do not consider my state
Sen o'ylama so'rama!
Do not think, do not ask these things!
Aylanaverar tinmay savollar
Questions whirl around me incessantly
Qaylarda qoldi o'sha orzular?
Where did those dreams go?
Men ishonmayman yo'q men
I cannot believe, I will not
Ko'nolmayman "sensizlik" dardiga
I will not succumb to the pain of "without you"
Ko'zlaringda dard erga qaraysan,
There is pain in your eyes as you look at the ground,
Xuddi aybingni tan olgandek mendan
As if you acknowledge your guilt before me
Ko'zlaringni olib qochasan
You avert your gaze
Ketishimni so'raverasan...
You ask me to leave...
Lekin tushunolmaysan seni qanday tark etay
But you cannot understand how I can leave you
Axir sevaturib seni yana qanday unatay seni men
After all, how can I love you again and then forget you?

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