Sassja - Taktički Praktično - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sassja - Taktički Praktično

Taktički Praktično
Tactical Practical
Svijet živim zbog sitnica, mrvice mi čine dan
I live my life for the little things, crumbs make my day
Gutljaj kafe i dima kad sunce osvijetli stan
A sip of coffee and some smoke when the sun brightens my apartment
A puna sam problema, briga, al' ih nekako filtriram
But I'm full of problems, worries, but I somehow filter them out
Neće problem bit' manji, ako se više ja živciram.
A problem won't be any smaller if I get more worked up.
Nije filozofija, ali meni funkcionira
It's not philosophy, but it works for me
I na kraju bude dobro jer se držim svoga mira,
And in the end, it will be okay because I hold on to my peace,
Jer volim to što imam, cijenim što mi se servira
Because I love what I have, I appreciate what is served to me
I ne gledam što je prošlo, izgubljeno me ne dira.
And I don't look at what's past, what's lost doesn't touch me.
Odbacim stare padove, bivše neke partnere,
I reject old falls, some ex-partners,
Bivše neke frendove i bivše neke šarmere,
Some ex-friends and some ex-lovers,
Ni za čim ne žurim, sve će doći u svoj vakat
I'm in no hurry for anything, everything will come in its own time
Otpisala levate, pa ko lokum sad sam rahat.
I've written off haters, so now I'm as comfortable as delight.
Samo sebično, funkcioniram odlično
Selfishly, I function perfectly
I kad mi se žale mislim na sebe k'o obično
And when I feel sorry for myself, I think of myself as usual
I kad vidim druge kontam sasvim mi je logično
And when I see others, it makes perfect sense to me
Mislit samo na sebe taktički, praktično
Thinking only about yourself - tactical, practical
Ne slušam te tračeve ko je s kim i zbog čega
I don't listen to the gossip about who's with whom and why
Nemam živce bolan za to, sita sam ba i ja svega
I don't have the energy for that crap, I'm sick of it all
Svi su lafo bolji od drugog, a svi prljavih ruku
Everyone's a saint better than the other, but they all have dirty hands
Svoj ti pos'o dalje druže, jedva mučim svoju muku.
Get on with your own business, friend, I'm barely coping with my own troubles.
Pa traže podršku za ovo, traže je za ono,
So they ask for support for this, they ask for it for that,
Pokupili pamet svijeta, a kad zinu čisto govno,
They've collected all the world's wisdom, but when they open their mouths, it's pure shit,
Ma kakva ba podrška, šta sam dobila ja od tebe
What kind of support, you ask, what have I ever gotten from you?
Evo čisto pošteno da kažem: mislim samo na sebe.
Look, let's be honest, I think only of myself.
I prosto uživam kad me puste radio stanice
And I just enjoy it when the radio stations let me play
I gotivim se sasvim kada sviram preko granice,
And I'm really having a good time when I play over the edge,
A šta će ba MC-ji mali
But what are these little MCs gonna do?
Smotani ko sarmice, kad god čuju hit
Rolled up like meatballs, whenever they hear a hit
Kažu Dereš Sassja carice!
They say, "Dereš Sassja, you're the queen!"
Al' pjesma nije battle odmah da razjasnim to,
But a song isn't a battle, let me make that clear,
Cijela priča je o meni, nema veze sa scenom,
This whole story is about me, it has nothing to do with the scene,
O glumcima što te hvale, a već sutra ti podvale,
About the actors who praise you, but betray you tomorrow,
E pa neće moć' kolega, čvrsto čuvam svoje đale.
Well, you won't be able to, my friend, I guard my boundaries firmly.
Kad je tebi dio prakse da se ponašaš ko ljakse
When part of your practice is to behave like a loser
Nemam s tobom ništa pričat, kad me vidiš ajde "makse"
I have nothing to talk to you about, when you see me, just "buzz off"
Hoćeš prosipat lafinu, druže nema ba šanse
You want to spread gossip, there's no chance, my friend
Nismo mi uopšte dobri, svako sebi, svako za se.
We're not good at all, each for himself, each for himself.
Evo hoćeš iskreno jest ja sam levat,
Look, let's be honest - yes, I am a loser,
Kako ti prema meni vratim duplo jer je sevap,
How can I return it to you twice because it is a good deed,
Evo još jednom ću ponovit da ne bude nisam rekla
Let me repeat once more so that there is no confusion
Dobro znaš kud ćeš, šta ćeš, dobro znaš šta te čeka:
You know very well where you're going, what you're going to do, you know very well what awaits you:
Evo hoćeš iskreno jest ja sam levat,
Look, let's be honest - yes, I am a loser,
Kako ti prema meni vratim duplo jer je sevap,
How can I return it to you twice because it is a good deed,
Pa ti dobro skontaj po tome ko je pakšu, ko poštenjak
So you can see clearly who's a loser, who's honest
Ako imaš problem s tim, 'ajde mrš, evo srednjak
If you have a problem with that, come on, here's the middle finger

Авторы: Rok Kovac

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