Satra B.E.N.Z. - 10 - перевод текста песни на английский

10 - Satra B.E.N.Z.перевод на английский

Ai de gand sa vii cu ceva nou ah
Are you going to come up with something new, huh?
Sau ramai cu ochii in retro, ha?
Or are you stuck in the past, huh?
Aici toate-s vechi si noua toate, mai nou
Everything here is old and new, all new
Aici suntem doar noi aia noi, mai nou
Here we are just us, the new ones, new
Ai de gand sa vii cu ceva nou ah
Are you going to come up with something new, huh?
Sau ramai cu ochii in retro, ha?
Or are you stuck in the past, huh?
Aici toate-s vechi si noua toate, mai nou
Everything here is old and new, all new
Aici suntem doar noi aia noi, mai nou
Here we are just us, the new ones, new
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
O tarfa o arde prost la concert si imi iau rage
A bitch acts stupid at the concert and I get pissed
Fac spagat si ii dau bucata-n pizda ca Johnny Cage
I do a split and kick her in the pussy like Johnny Cage
Am atata har, zici c-am terminat armata
I've got so much grace, you'd think I finished the army
Armata Satra se intinde gen cataracta
Satra's army stretches like a cataract
Pune-te-n genunchi ca la spovedanie
Get on your knees like in confession
Naz, acu ne futem in nave spatiale
Nah, now we're in spaceships
N-ai crezut din tot ce ti-am zis eu, nah
You didn't believe everything I told you, nah
Dar cand eu ti-am prezis viitorul ca Baba Vanga
But when I predicted your future like Baba Vanga
B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z
B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z
Fuck all this shit, I don't wanna be friends
Fuck all this shit, I don't wanna be friends
B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z
B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z
Niste zei, cinci baieti excelenti
Some gods, five excellent guys
Satra exces de vin, la vida loca
Satra excess wine, at vida loca
B. E. N. Z. inseamna: sa-mi bag pula-n ma-ta
B. E. N. Z. means: fuck your mom
Muie Satra, pace Mercedes B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z
Fuck Satra, peace Mercedes B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z., B. E. N. Z
Cu Satra, milioane peste noapte, tristo
With Satra, millions overnight, tristo
Zici ca esti doar pe cuptor de lemne, pizzo
You're like you're just on a wood-burning stove, pizzo
Imi intra bani pe piese vechi si de pe distro
I get money from old songs and distro
Ce credit am, ce-o ceri mereu muie artisto
What credit do I have, what do you keep asking for, fuck you artist
Pesimistu, cruci, optimistu, plusuri
Pessimist, crosses, optimist, pluses
Cand vezi ce-am in blugi, pachetul cu snacksuri
When you see what I have in my jeans, the snack pack
Prosciutto di karma, sa vad ce ai in dressuri
Prosciutto di karma, let's see what you have in your shoes
Sistemul meu e Chakra Benzu, n-are fisuri
My system is Chakra Benzu, it has no cracks
Mi-e atat de somn incat nu pot sa adorm
I'm so sleepy I can't fall asleep
Dau un play la Walkman, caseta-i cu cord
I play the Walkman, the tape is with heart
Follow the leader, vino sa faci subscriberi
Follow the leader, come and get subscribers
Unchimi-o e lider si o arde cu bikeri
My uncle is the leader and he hangs out with bikers
Rege, gangsta, masini si Machine Gun Kelly
King, gangsta, cars and Machine Gun Kelly
Astia-s KRS wanna be focul, Neli
These are KRS wanna be fire, Neli
Sunt Uncle B. E. N. Z., spune-mi asa de acuma
I'm Uncle B. E. N. Z., call me that from now on
Fiindca-i fac pilaf, yo, asta mi-e duma
Because I'm making pilaf, yo, that's my pride
Ai de gand sa vi cu ceva nou, ha?
Are you going to come up with something new, huh?
Sau ramai cu ochii in retro, ha?
Or are you stuck in the past, huh?
Aici toate-s vechi si noua toate, mai nou
Everything here is old and new, all new
Aici suntem doar noi aia noi, mai nou
Here we are just us, the new ones, new
Ai de gand sa vii cu ceva nou ah
Are you going to come up with something new, huh?
Sau ramai cu ochii in retro, ha?
Or are you stuck in the past, huh?
Aici toate-s vechi si noua toate, mai nou
Everything here is old and new, all new
Aici suntem doar noi aia noi, mai nou
Here we are just us, the new ones, new
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Yeah, yeah, bagabont cu blagabont, sun alt blagabont
Yeah, yeah, rascal with a rascal, I'm another rascal
Pula, indoaie-te, indoaie-te, pana iti zice Killa
Bitch, bend over, bend over, until Killa tells you
Uuu, satraboanto, capul jos, sus cracii
Uuu, rascal, head down, legs up
Arunc un teanc de la balcon ca Hagi
I throw a stack from the balcony like Hagi
Yeah, yeah, driblez gaborii si tarfe groupie
Yeah, yeah, I dribble cops and groupie bitches
Mmm, am si-un pew-pew si sa trag n-am dubii
Mmm, I also have a pew-pew and I have no doubts to shoot
Mmm yeaah, cioara, Lama, fir-ar mama lor de sclavi, fa
Mmm yeaah, crow, Lama, fuck their slave mothers, huh
Yeaah, cioara, fa diferenta si da-ne fata
Yeaah, crow, make a difference and give us your face
Invidia lor ii coace cum coace tavaua-n vene
Their envy cooks them like the ceiling cooks the veins
Astia se sapa singuri ca nu cred nici in nivele
These people are digging themselves because they don't even believe in levels
Le bag lavish cu blugi murdari, indoctrinati si prajiti
I put them lavish with dirty jeans, indoctrinated and fried
Faceti pe dictatorii in rap si curand o sa mierliti
You act like dictators in rap and you'll soon be dead
Lama-i satrabont, stau cool, drunk, zi-mi Blagabont
Lama is rascal, I'm cool, drunk, call me Rascal
I got am o suta o mie ciori, I can grow
I got a hundred thousand crows, I can grow
I got faraoni, zece zeite, un glock
I got pharaohs, ten goddesses, a glock
I got am un Glock, I got, I got, I got, I got, pah!
I got a Glock, I got, I got, I got, I got, pah!
Ai de gand sa vi cu ceva nou, ha?
Are you going to come up with something new, huh?
Sau ramai cu ochii in retro, ha?
Or are you stuck in the past, huh?
Aici toate-s vechi si noua toate, mai nou
Everything here is old and new, all new
Aici suntem doar noi aia noi, mai nou
Here we are just us, the new ones, new
Ai de gand sa vii cu ceva nou ah
Are you going to come up with something new, huh?
Sau ramai cu ochii in retro, ha?
Or are you stuck in the past, huh?
Aici toate-s vechi si noua toate, mai nou
Everything here is old and new, all new
Aici suntem doar noi aia noi, mai nou
Here we are just us, the new ones, new
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten
Cine zice noua, eu ii zic ca-s zece
Whoever says new, I tell them it's ten

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