Satra B.E.N.Z. - Din Caruta - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Satra B.E.N.Z. - Din Caruta

Din Caruta
In My Cart
N-am nici rochii nici pantofi
I don't have dresses or fancy shoes
Nici castel cu slujitori
No castle with servants for me, it's true
In caruta m-am nascut
I was born in a simple cart, you see
Din caruta stiu sa cant
And from that cart, I learned to rap, freely
Super ED:
Super ED:
Muncim in continuu fumam in continuu
We work non-stop, smoke non-stop, it's a vibe
Fara griji in continuu asta cu Satra-i filmu'
No worries, non-stop, this is the Satra drive
Tu nu poti sa rupi ritmu' nu ne atingi cu veninu'
You can't break our rhythm, your venom won't survive
Tu esti doiu noi primu tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're number two, we're number one, you're the past, we're the time
Super ED:
Super ED:
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu; tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time; you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time
Killa Fonic:
Killa Fonic:
Zi-le-o cioara Lama-i gata sa se puna fa
Tell them, crow, Lama is ready to rumble
Cu orice scarba de hater indiferent de zona fa
With any hater, any place, we'll make them crumble
Eu Doamne eu n-o sa mor
My lady, I won't die
Daca mor mor satrabont
If I die, I die Satra-strong, that's no lie
Loialitate bai pan' ma-ngrop
Loyalty, babe, until I'm in the ground
Astia cred ca suntem masoni
They think we're Masons, running this town
Ju-juma' bestie ju-juma' om
Half beast, half man, we stand our ground
Nu da cu ciocu' ca esti golan zau
Don't talk smack, you're a fake, I see right through you now
Doar un lache de la
Just a lackey from the
Si eu bag-bag in saci de gunoi
And I stuff, stuff in garbage bags, it's true
Am indesat in buzunare un clip merg schiop
I've crammed a music video's worth in my pockets, I limp, it's new
Dupa atatia ani de lacrimi sange orori
After so many years of tears, blood, and horror, too
Am pistoale si brigada o satra dragoste
I have guns and a crew, a Satra love, it's true
Uzzi Mafia level ca Moldova coane
Uzzi Mafia level, like Moldova, boo
Brr brr brr brr
Brr brr brr brr
Super ED:
Super ED:
E Guta in continuu nu se opreste o clipa
It's Guta non-stop, he doesn't stop for a moment
Da-mi frate o pana si ti-o fac o aripa
Give me a feather, baby, and I'll make it a monument
Omul omul o spranceana valoare risipa
Man, man, one eyebrow, wasted talent
Cant zile de la mine ca noaptea trfele astea tipa
I sing days from me, like the night these hoes are screamin'
Curg au lei pe mine si pe fratii mei
Money's raining on me and my brothers, no lie
Unii nu-s la contact d-aia calca timpul peste ei
Some are out of touch, that's why time is passing them by
Eu sunt nave spatiale timpul meu canta in alte chei
I'm a spaceship, my time sings in a different key, high
Mama e dubios rau auto-tune-ul nu stiu ce se intampla
Mama, it's weird, auto-tune, I don't know what's happening, bye
Super ED:
Super ED:
Muncim in continuu fumam in continuu
We work non-stop, smoke non-stop, it's a vibe
Fara griji in continuu asta cu Satra-i filmu'
No worries, non-stop, this is the Satra drive
Tu nu poti sa rupi ritmu' nu ne atingi cu veninu'
You can't break our rhythm, your venom won't survive
Tu esti doiu noi primu tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're number two, we're number one, you're the past, we're the time
Super ED:
Super ED:
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu; tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time; you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time
Ho dau cu lopata dau cu lopata
Ho, I dig with a shovel, I dig with a shovel
Ingrop banii ca s-a intors roata
I bury the money 'cause the tables have turned, double
Ha dau cu lopata ha dau cu lopata
Ha, I dig with a shovel, ha, I dig with a shovel
Ingrop rapperi asta mi-e arta
I bury rappers, this is my art, you see, it's subtle
Aduce-ti preotul cu tot cu candela
Bring the priest with the censer, full throttle
Ca rapperii astia falsi s-au pierdut in lirica
'Cause these fake rappers got lost in their lyrics, a total
Sunt in moarte clinica au uitat textul in pachet
They're clinically dead, forgot their lyrics in the pack
Lipsa cu rap calc pe cadavre in pasi de balet
Missing with rap, I step on corpses in ballet steps, that's a fact
Ia zi ma in pla mea asta cum te-o chema
Tell me, in my crib, what's your name, girl, crack
Hai poveste-te-ne noua cum iubesti tu muzica
Come on, tell us how you love music, unpack
Cum nu bagi un ban in ea si-o tratezi ca pe-o catea
How you don't spend a dime on it, treat it like a stray, lack
Si-i oferi din timpul tau numai cand vrea pla ta
And only offer your time when your crib wants it back
Hai ziceti cum va furati va futeti frati intre frati
Tell me, how you steal, you betray, brothers among brothers
De baieti in pla mea copiii handicapati
Of boys in my crib, disabled children, it smothers
Ne-ai zis noua ca vorbeam de pzde in pla mea de sluga
You told us we were talking about babes in my crib, about a servant
Si totusi cum vrei tu rezultate fara munca
And yet, how do you want results without work, relevant?
Am ft pzde mai grele ca tine
I've had babes harder than you, my dear
Daca ar fi despre rap m-as pisa pe cretine
If it was about rap, I'd pee on these morons, it's clear
Fiindca-s toti doar niste casnice si nu muncesc
Because they're all just housewives and don't work, my fear
Cum face Nosfe Benzu nu ma opresc
As Nosfe and Benzu do, I won't stop, my gear
Yah! pe zi din
Yah! per day from
Cand ma vezi sunt ca un zombie si conduc ca spartu'
When you see me, I'm like a zombie, driving like I'm shattered
La un pas de frontal ca-s mereu in depasire
One step away from a head-on collision, always overtaking, battered
Uit de pedala de frana accelerez in nestire
I forget the brake pedal, accelerate recklessly, tattered
Rrah rrah rrah bagabontu-adevarat direct din Satra
Rrah rrah rrah, the real gangster, straight from Satra, splattered
Vezi caracatita Ii sare sangele din teasta
See the octopus? Its blood is boiling from its head, mattered
Pow pow pow nu mai vreau sa-i vad cum detin controlul
Pow pow pow, I don't want to see them in control, shattered
E timpul Satrei pow pow pow pow O. S. O. D. monopolul
It's Satra's time, pow pow pow pow, O.S.O.D. monopoly, flattered
Wah wah wah wah woo
Wah wah wah wah woo
Super ED:
Super ED:
Muncim in continuu fumam in continuu
We work non-stop, smoke non-stop, it's a vibe
Fara griji in continuu asta cu Satra-i filmu'
No worries, non-stop, this is the Satra drive
Tu nu poti sa rupi ritmu' nu ne atingi cu veninu'
You can't break our rhythm, your venom won't survive
Tu esti doiu noi primu tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're number two, we're number one, you're the past, we're the time
Super ED:
Super ED:
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu; tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time; you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time
Tu trecutul noi timpu' tu trecutul noi timpu'
You're the past, we're the time, you're the past, we're the time

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