Satra B.E.N.Z. - Iarta-Ma Mama - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Satra B.E.N.Z. - Iarta-Ma Mama

Iarta-Ma Mama
Forgive Me, Mom
Iarta-ma da' am plecat mama
Forgive me for leaving, Mom
M-am saturat sa-mi fie teama
I'm tired of being afraid
Te rog nu ma judeca mama
Please don't judge me, Mom
Da-mi pregatesc sa fac ceva cu viata mea mama
I'm preparing to do something with my life, Mom
A fost o data
Once upon a time
Un baiat frumos
There was a handsome boy
Cat de cat elegant, nu-i pasa
Well-dressed, but didn't care
Decat de scoala
Only about his studies
Spalat, aranjat
Clean, well-groomed
Educat, bine-mbracat de ma-saaa
Educated, well-dressed by his Moth-er
Pana a-nceput sa faca Rap
Until he started making Rap
Si sa se-mbrace lac
And dressing in a flashy way
S-a ras in cap, a luta-o razna si s-a tatuat
He shaved his head, went crazy and got tattoos
Facea combinatii cu telefoane si acarete
He made deals with phones and SIM cards
Injura, bea, scuipa, se batea, dadea tepe
Cursed, drank, spat, fought, ripped people off
Dar ei aveau un plan, cat slab pentru baiat
But they had a plan, how weak for a boy
Cand o sa fii mare, o sa fii doctor sau avocat
When you grow up, you'll be a doctor or a lawyer
O sa le-am, ne-am
We'll have, we will have
Ca devenise un golan, dadea cu zilele pe-acasa, nu producea niciun ban
Because he had become a rascal, spending days at home, not making any money
N-avea un vis
He had no dream
Da' nu parea prea sigur pe el
But he didn't seem too sure of himself
Asta pana a plecat din cartier
Until he left the neighborhood
Sa-si vada de drumul lui
To follow his own path
In cap cu nebunia
With madness in his head
Visul lui American, realizat in Romania
His American dream, realized in Romania
Iarta-ma da' am plecat mama
Forgive me for leaving, Mom
M-am saturat sa-mi fie teama
I'm tired of being afraid
Te rog nu ma judeca mama
Please don't judge me, Mom
Da-mi pregatesc sa fac ceva cu viata mea mama x2
I'm preparing to do something with my life, Mom x2
Oare o sa fiu un tata bun, daca am fost un copil rau
Will I be a good father, if I was a bad child
Mi-am pus intrebarea cand am plecat din caminul tau
I asked myself this question when I left your home
Stiu ca nu te sun atat de des
I know I don't call you enough
Dar tu stii cum sunt si cat muncesc
But you know what I'm like and how hard I work
Nu mai spune sa ma odihnesc
Don't tell me to rest anymore
Stii ca n-o sa pun capul pe perna decat daca o sa reusesc
You know I won't rest my head on the pillow unless I succeed
Fiindca umblu dupa bani mama
Because I'm after money, Mom
Scriu versuri cum scriai si tu la varsta mea, mama
I write lyrics like you used to at my age, Mom
Timpul a trecut, sunt baiat mare
Time has passed, I'm a big boy now
As vrea sa fiu din nou copil sa fac o singura schimbare
I wish I was a child again to make only one change
Dar la cate am trait impreuna, nicio copilarie n-ar fi fost mai buna
But after all we've been through together, no childhood would have been better
Iti multumesc pentru casetele cu Michael Jackson
Thank you for the Michael Jackson tapes
Si pentru toata muzica pe tom din casa
And for all the music on the tom in the house
Iarta-ma ca n-am mereu rabdare si s-nervos
Forgive me for not always having patience and for being nervous
Sunt mereu pe fuga, stilu' meu e pretentios
I'm always on the run, my style is demanding
Iarta-ma da' am plecat mama
Forgive me for leaving, Mom
M-am saturat sa-mi fie teama
I'm tired of being afraid
Te rog nu ma judeca mama
Please don't judge me, Mom
Da-mi pregatesc sa fac ceva cu viata mea mama x2
I'm preparing to do something with my life, Mom x2
Nu e vina mea mama
It's not my fault, Mom
C-am iesit asa de spatial
That I turned out so out of this world
Un introvertit?????
An introvert?????
Un extrovertit libertar
An extroverted libertarian
Si-am atata dragoste in mine
And I have so much love in me
Dar sunt consumat de durere
But I am consumed by pain
Si momestu-i risipit
And the moment is wasted
Intre furie si placere
Between rage and pleasure
Sunt slab, da' am si putere
I'm weak, but I have strength too
Si atunci cand sunt puternic
And when I am strong
Iubesc fara bariere, vorbesc greu fara perdele
I love without barriers, I speak harshly without curtains
Nu mi-e frica de ligheeeeelee, ooooo
I'm not afraid of gangs, ooooo
Nu face zi ca-stia iti jur mama sa mor iooooo
Don't say yes, I swear to you, Mom, I'll die, ooooo
Iarta-ma da' am plecat mama
Forgive me for leaving, Mom
M-am saturat sa-mi fie teama
I'm tired of being afraid
Te rog nu ma judeca mama
Please don't judge me, Mom
Da-mi pregatesc sa fac ceva cu viata mea mama
I'm preparing to do something with my life, Mom

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