Sau - Deprimit V - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sau - Deprimit V

Deprimit V
Deprimit V
Em sento consumit, completament cremat,
I felt spent, absolutely burnt,
Em sento sense filtre i succionat.
I felt drained and sucked.
He estat trepitjat i calcinat,
I'd been stepped on and scorched,
Em sento com un cigarro apagat.
I felt like a cigarette that had gone out.
I és que ahir a la nit hi vaig tornar,
And yesterday at night I did it again,
Estava tan tranquil, no et puc fer cas.
I was so quiet, you couldn't see me.
Em vas trucar a casa, te'm vas emportar,
You called me on the house phone, you took me with you,
Ahir aquella festa em va destrossar.
Last night that party crushed me.
Entre la boira que hi havia allà
Between the smoke and haze in the air
I la boira que portàvem ja,
And the smoke and haze we already had in us,
Tota la carretera es va encongir,
The entire road became narrower,
Tot aquell món se'm va fer petit.
That whole world became small for me.
I en mig d'aquella bogeria
And amidst that insanity
Vam anar a parar a la policia
We ended up at the police station
Sense passar per cap sortida,
Without passing any exits,
Ni cobrar les vint mil lliures.
Or collecting the twenty thousand pounds.
Ja saps que és molt dur haver de marxar
You know it's very difficult having to leave
De qualsevol festa quan s'ha acabat,
Any party when it's over,
La maleïda clau no et vol obrir,
The damned key doesn't want to open for you,
I sempre l'alcohol et fa sentir...
And the alcohol always makes you feel...
Oh... deprimit.
Oh... depressed.
Cada nit que sortim de bar en bar
Every night we go out bar hopping
Acabo resseguint la terra amb el nas.
I end up smelling the ground with my nose.
I a més a més tu sempre quan te'n vas
And what's more, when you always leave
Em deixes sol, borratxo i tirat
You leave me alone, drunk and passed out
A una farola abraçat
Hugging a light pole
Dient "t'estimo" i no em fa cas.
Saying "I love you" and not paying me any attention.
I quan a casa me'n vull anar
And when I want to go home
Aquell meu carrer no s'acaba mai.
That street of mine never ends.
Ja saps que és molt dur haver de marxar
You know it's very difficult having to leave
De qualsevol festa quan s'ha acabat,
Any party when it's over,
La maleïda clau no et vol obrir,
The damned key doesn't want to open for you,
I sempre l'alcohol et fa sentir...
And the alcohol always makes you feel...
Oh... deprimit.
Oh... depressed.
Ja saps que és molt dur haver de marxar
You know it's very difficult having to leave
De qualsevol festa quan s'ha acabat,
Any party when it's over,
La maleïda clau no et vol obrir,
The damned key doesn't want to open for you,
I sempre l'alcohol et fa sentir.
And the alcohol always makes you feel.
Ja saps que és molt dur haver de marxar
You know it's very difficult having to leave
De qualsevol festa quan s'ha acabat,
Any party when it's over,
La maleïda clau no et vol obrir,
The damned key doesn't want to open for you,
I sempre l'alcohol et fa sentir...
And the alcohol always makes you feel...
Oh... deprimit...
Oh... depressed...
Ja saps que és molt dur haver de marxar
You know it's very difficult having to leave
De qualsevol festa quan s'ha acabat,
Any party when it's over,
La maleïda clau no et vol obrir,
The damned key doesn't want to open for you,
I sempre l'alcohol et fa sentir...
And the alcohol always makes you feel...
Oh... deprimit.
Oh... depressed.
Ja saps que és molt dur haver de marxar
You know it's very difficult having to leave
De qualsevol festa quan s'ha acabat,
Any party when it's over,
La maleïda clau no et vol obrir,
The damned key doesn't want to open for you,
I sempre l'alcohol et fa sentir...
And the alcohol always makes you feel...
Oh... deprimit.
Oh... depressed.

Авторы: joan capdevila, carles sabater

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