Sau - Has Perdut - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sau - Has Perdut

Has Perdut
You Have Lost
Tu somreies veient-me passar pel carrer
You smile when you see me walking down the street
Mirant a terra, fumant
Staring at the ground, smoking
Esbrinant raons de pes
Searching for heavy reasons
Tot el que feies et sortia molt
Everything you did was perfect
Jo ho intentava, però era tant dolent
I tried, but I was so bad
Vaig arribar a creure que no era ningú
I came to believe that I was nothing
La veritat és que per mi allò era molt dur
The truth is that it was very hard for me
Però avui has perdut
But today you have lost
Avui he vençut
Today I have won
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Totes les nenes estaven sempre al teu costat
All the girls were always by your side
Jo les mirava, però no les podia tocar
I looked at them, but I couldn't touch them
I en els exàmens de final de mes
And in the final exams
Tu notable, jo havia suspès
You got a good grade, I failed
Tu feies tennis, jo em feia il·lusions
You played tennis, I had illusions
Em quedava a casa penjat amb les meves cançons
I stayed home and hung up with my songs
Però avui has perdut (avui has perdut)
But today you have lost (today you have lost)
Avui he vençut
Today I have won
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Ara ets un home de catorze pagues a l'any
Now you are a man with fourteen annual payments
Dels fills, la dona i la sogra no en pots escapar
You can't escape from your children, wife, and mother-in-law
I mentre jo em jugo la vida aquí dalt
And while I'm playing my life up here in the heights
Potser m'escoltis sentat al sofà
Maybe you listen to me sitting on the sofa
Donant voltes sobre el teu futur
Thinking about your future
Amb tot el que podries ser
With all that you could be
Però mai no has sigut
But you have never been
Però avui has perdut (avui has perdut)
But today you have lost (today you have lost)
Avui he vençut
Today I have won
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui he vençut
Today I have won
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Em sap molt greu per tu
I'm very sorry for you
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Això és collonut
This is great
Això és collonut
This is great
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost
Avui has perdut
Today you have lost

Авторы: Carlos Sabater Hernandez, Josep Sala Bellavista, Juan Capdevila Clapera

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