Sau - Només un malson - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sau - Només un malson

Només un malson
Just a Bad Dream
Ara em trobo aquí assegut en aquest bar i el dilluns del mateix dia farà un any.
Now I find myself sitting here in this bar. On Monday it will be a year ago.
Però l'espera em desespera i jo espero sol.
But the wait drives me to despair and I wait alone.
A vegades crec que és un malson, només un malson.
Sometimes I think it's a bad dream, just a bad dream.
Què esperaves trobar-te, bèstia, un jardí de flors?
What did you expect to find, beast, a garden of flowers?
A la vida tot era fàcil i ja n'hi havia prou.
In life everything was easy, and that was enough.
Digue'm quantes vegades ja t'ho havia dit,
Tell me how many times I told you,
Que si aboques les esperances les hauràs de recollir.
That if you pour out your hopes, you will have to pick them up again.
I l'amor, diuen que l'amor és cec.
And love, they say love is blind.
I l'amor... no vaig veure la paret.
And love... I did not see the wall.
Ella deia que amb l'amor n'hi havia prou.
She said that with love, that was enough.
Ara diu que el temps si vols ho cura tot,
Now she says that if you want, time heals everything,
I mentre s'aclara i canvia d'opinió,
And while she gets clear and changes her mind,
Veig clar que tot és un malson, només un malson.
I see clearly that it's all a bad dream, just a bad dream.
On esperaves trobar-te, bèstia, just al centre del món?
Where did you expect to find yourself, beast, right at the center of the world?
Ara ja ningú t'escolta, és per això que parles sol.
Now nobody listens to you anymore, that's why you talk to yourself.
Un nou pas en la teva història de vida i desenganys,
A new step in your life story and disappointments,
Llençaràs al riu les sabates i ara aniràs descalç.
You will throw your shoes in the river and now you will go barefoot.
I l'amor, diuen que no saps mai quan ve.
And love, they say you never know when it comes.
I l'amor... a mi em va enganxar de ple.
And love... it hit me hard.
I a les tardes, assegut bevent tot sol,
And in the afternoons, sitting alone drinking,
Em recordo corrent, perdut del tot.
I remember myself running, completely lost.
I jo ja t'ho deia, no veus que és cec l'amor.
And I told you, don't you see that love is blind.
A vegades crec que és un malson, només un malson.
Sometimes I think it's a bad dream, just a bad dream.
I l'amor diuen que l'amor és cec.
And love they say love is blind.
I l'amor... vaig menjar-me la paret.
And love... I ate the wall.
Ella deia que amb l'amor n'hi havia prou.
She said that with love, that was enough.
Ara diu que el temps si vols ho cura tot,
Now she says that if you want, time heals everything,
I mentre s'aclara i canvia d'opinió,
And while she gets clear and changes her mind,
Veig clar que tot és un malson.
I see clearly that it's all a bad dream.
Ara em trobo aquí assegut en aquest bar
Now I find myself sitting here in this bar.
I el dilluns del mateix dia farà un any.
On Monday it will be a year ago.
Però l'espera em desespera i jo espero sol.
But the wait drives me to despair and I wait alone.
A vegades crec que és un malson, només un malson.
Sometimes I think it's a bad dream, just a bad dream.

Авторы: pep sala, carles sabater

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