Sau - Res A Perdre - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Sau - Res A Perdre

Res A Perdre
Nothing to Lose
Ell era lliure, no li calia res.
She was free, she needed nothing.
Caminava per l'aigua on el riu és transparent.
She walked on water where the river is clear.
Per on ell passava, no hi passava el temps,
Where she passed, time did not pass,
Sempre un somriure, gairebé el mateix.
Always a smile, almost the same.
No creuava cap paraula, tothom deia "ha perdut la raó",
She did not believe any words, everyone said "she has lost her mind",
Per company la seva estampa i per equipatge una cançó.
For company her stamp and for luggage a song.
No tinc res a perdre, no tinc res a guanyar,
I have nothing to lose, I have nothing to win,
No tinc cap problema.
I have no problems.
Qui menys necessita és qui te menys a envejar.
The one who needs the least is the one who has the least to envy.
Anant d'un lloc a l'altre, temptant de nou la sort,
Going from place to place, tempting luck again,
Seguint cada dia els camins d'un rodamón.
Following the paths of a wanderer every day.
Cada ciutat nova, vol menjar-se el món,
Each new city wants to eat the world,
Ho porta tot a sobre, no deixa res enlloc.
He carries everything on him, leaves nothing anywhere.
Un parell de sabates, una camisa i uns pantalons,
A pair of shoes, a shirt and a pair of pants,
Les idees clares, cantant només la seva cançó.
My mind is clear, singing only her song.
No tinc res a perdre, no tinc res a guanyar,
I have nothing to lose, I have nothing to win,
No tinc cap problema.
I have no problems.
Qui menys necessita és qui te menys a envejar.
The one who needs the least is the one who has the least to envy.

Авторы: Carles Sabater, Pep Sala

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