Saul El Jaguar Alarcón - Negocio Pesado - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Saul El Jaguar Alarcón - Negocio Pesado

Negocio Pesado
Dirty Business
Cherokee blindada
Cherokee armored
Pistola fajada abajo de su cinto
Pistol belted under his belt
Le brilla un santito en la cachas.
A little saint shines on the handles.
Se tapa la cara con pasamontañas
He covers his face with a ski mask
Táctico el chaleco de negro
Tactical vest in black
Lleno el portabalas.
Magazine is full.
De robo
Dobles pierneras izquierda y derecha
Double holsters left and right
Por donde le busquen al hombre
Wherever they look for the man
Le encuentran armas.
They find weapons.
Su vida es trabajo
His life is work
Negocia pesado
He deals heavy
Levanta, tortura, ejecuta
He picks up, tortures, kills
Va y cobra el encargo.
He goes and collects the charge.
No tiene conciencia
He has no conscience
Vive de violencia
He lives on violence
Tal y cual su jefe
Just like his boss
Le ordena le ajusta el plomazo.
He orders adjust burst.
Mirada computarizada
Computerized gaze
Parece que tiene
He seems to have
Por ser tan preciso
For being so precise
De franco lo han contratado.
He was hired as a sniper.
Expuesto al peligro
Exposed to danger
No va a retirarse
He will not retire
Dice que aquí sigue
He says that he is still here
Y que se muere gatillos jalando.
And that he dies pulling triggers.
Con nada se asusta
He is not afraid of anything
Los riesgos le gustan
He likes risks
Cuando andan peleando
When they are fighting
No queman casquillos en vano.
They don't burn shells in vain.
Siempre hay aciertos al blanco
There are always hits on target
Bastante colmillo
Quite a lot of experience
A quien le conviene
Whoever suits him
De este mundo lo a esfumado.
Of this world he evaporated.
Blindada su casa
His house is armored
Puertas y ventanas
Doors and windows
Portones, paredes
Gates, walls
Y sus carros particulares.
And his private cars.
No hay miedo a las balas
No fear of bullets
Solo me prevengo
I just protect myself
De los traicioneros
From the treacherous
Que se acerquen para atacarme.
Who come close to attack me.
No saben donde se enredan
They don't know where they are getting into
Lo que les espera
What awaits them
Si alguien de mi gente
If someone of my people
Por error llegan a tocarme.
By mistake they come to touch me.
Nunca tuve escuela
I never had school
No tenia dinero
I didn't have money
Solo le alcanzaba a mi padres
My parents only had enough
Para comer a diario.
To eat daily.
Mi ropita vieja
My old clothes
Y la de mis hermanos
And my brothers
Aveces guarache cruzado
Sometimes crossed guarache
Y aveces de descalzo.
And sometimes barefoot.
Da tristeza recordarlo
It's sad to remember
Porque con trabajo
Because with work
Salimos al frente
We came out in front
Cayéndonos y levantándonos.
Falling and getting up.
Siempre anda implicado
He is always involved
Pendiente en el radio
Listening to the radio
Por si acaso el jefe le ordena
Just in case the boss orders him
Que haga algún trabajo.
To do some work.
Radia ubicaciones
He radios locations
Hasta por rincones
Even in corners
Manda a los punteros de frente
He sends the pointers ahead
Indagan de inmediato.
They investigate immediately.
El compa ya se despide
The homie says goodbye
Y en estos momentos
And right now
Anda levantando traidores
He's picking up traitors
Por ahí rafagueandolos.
Raking them there.

Авторы: Jesus Arturo Sauceda Andrade

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