Saykoji - Jomblo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Saykoji - Jomblo

Gua punya temen
I have a friend
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
Yah, Saykoji
Yo, it's Saykoji
Lagu ini gua tujuin khusus buat jomblo-jomblo
I'm dedicating this song specifically to all the single guys out there
Malam minggu kesepian dan sendirian
Saturday night, lonely and alone
Tapi ngaku ama temen punya pendirian
But you tell your friends you're independent
Ngakunya blom tertarik punya pasangan
You claim you're not interested in having a partner
Padahal di dalam hati trus berangan
But in your heart, you keep fantasizing
Tampang bukanlah yang menjadi alasan
Looks aren't the reason
Karena ngak jelek cukup pas-pasan
Because you're not ugly, just average
Tapi ngak pernah bisa punya pacar
But you can never get a girlfriend
Emang model kaya gini harus banyak belajar
Guys like this really need to learn a thing or two
Liat cewek cuman bisa maen suit-suit
You see a girl, you can only whistle
Sok sok ngegodain sambil bibir tuit-tuit
Trying to flirt with your lips, doing that 'tuit-tuit' sound
Disangka cewek demen dibikin begitu
You think girls like that kind of thing
Cuman sama cewek murahan taktik itu jitu
Only cheap girls fall for those tactics
Pantesan lo jomblo sepanjang abad
No wonder you're single for centuries
Berpikir dewasa aja masih super lambat
Your thinking is still super slow, not mature yet
Yang ngerasa jomblo suka bengong mata belo
Those who feel single often have wide, innocent eyes
Lagu satu ini emang khusus buat elo
This song is specifically for you
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
PDKT baju gak diganti
Going on dates without changing your clothes
Apalagi udah seharian kagak mandi
And haven't even showered all day
Lalu pengen ngedeketin gadis-gadis
Then you try to approach girls
Udah pasti mereka menolak dengan sadis
They will definitely reject you harshly
Terus sok pinter di depan cewek
Then you act smart in front of girls
Ngomong panjang lebar berasa pewe
Talking at length feeling comfortable
Padahal baca buku atau koran aja kagak
But you don't even read books or newspapers
Otak masih bego di depan cewek belagak
Still clueless, acting cocky in front of girls
Waktu pacaran dia ngajak makan
When you're on a date, you take her to eat
Terus minta dibayarin blak-blak-an
Then you ask her to pay, blatantly
Udah gitu makan di restoran mahal
Moreover, you eat at an expensive restaurant
Lo pikir cewek seneng, kagak bakal
You think girls like that? No way!
Kalo kaga pengen jomblo mesti tau diri
If you don't want to be single, you need to know yourself
Jangan liat cowok lain punya cewek cantik iri
Don't envy other guys who have beautiful girlfriends
Mungkin dia memang pria sejati
Maybe he really is a true gentleman
Yang PDKT ama cewek lewat hati
Who approaches girls with his heart
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
Makanye cara paling baek supaya elo kagak jomblo
So the best way to avoid being single
Lo mesti berubah karna dunia tuh ga seperti daun kelor
You gotta change 'cause the world ain't like a taro leaf
Coba lo pikirin
Think about it
Banyakan majalah cewek daripada majalah cowok
There are more girl magazines than boy magazines
Mereka tuh lebih banyak masukan
They got more input
Jelas aja lo keliatan bego
No wonder you look stupid
Makanya sekarang saatnya berubah
So now it's time to change
Apa yang udah gue bilang jangan lupa
Don't forget what I've told you
Cowok yang lebih gentlemen cewek suka
Girls like gentlemen
Daripada malu taro mana tuh muka
Instead of being ashamed, where's your face?
Jadilah lelaki yang apa adanya
Be a man who is what he is
Jangan terlalu caper makanya
Don't be too showy
Kalo ngomong ama cewek liat matanya
When you talk to a girl, look into her eyes
Jangan liat yang lain denger kata katanya
Don't look at others, listen to her words
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
Nama saya Kisron dari Tegal
My name is Kisron from Tegal
Saya 25 taun loh jomblo
I'm 25 years old and still single
Tapi saya ngikutin kata-kata nya mas Saykoji
But I followed Saykoji's words
Langsung dapet cewek
And I got myself a girl right away
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
Malam minggu dia melongo
Saturday night he just stares blankly
Soal cewe dia dongo
He's clueless when it comes to girls
Tapi dia bukan homo
But he's not gay
Dia cuma seorang jomblo
He's just a single guy
Untuk semua jomblo di Indonesia
To all the single guys in Indonesia
Be spirited
Karna hari kemenangan akan segera tiba
Because the day of victory will come soon

Авторы: Armand Maulana, Thomas Ramdhan

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