Scha Dara Parr - ワープトンネル feat.ロボ宙&かせきさいだぁ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Scha Dara Parr - ワープトンネル feat.ロボ宙&かせきさいだぁ

ワープトンネル feat.ロボ宙&かせきさいだぁ
Warp Tunnel feat. Robo Chu & Kaseki Saider
土曜日は半ドンJust Don't Care
Saturday is half-day Just Don't Care
And the weather is nice
So let's go to the candy store
着けばスグにスグにJACK ON!
When you get there, JACK ON!
Mil-Spec cross key
Warp tunnel back and forth
ワキャワキャ Yes Yes Y'all
Wakya Wakya Yes Yes Y'all
けだるい半ドン 3時P.M.
Lazy half-day 3 p.m.
0とか1からTo the Beat Y'all
0 or 1 To the Beat Y'all
理路理路整然 3&4
Logical 3&4
Pico pico continues electrical signals
That day's boy is shaken
Joystick up, down, left, right
Not like anyone else, I explore my own style
亜流 フォロー生むドリジナル
Derivative, follow the original dream
The next bonus is also very気になる
チェリー ストロベリー オレンジ リンゴ
Cherry Strawberry Orange Apple
時代は竹の子 50円DISCO!
The era is takenoko 50 yen DISCO!
サ店のテーブル 駄菓子屋の横
Table in the store, next to the candy store
デパートの屋上 ボーリング場
Department store rooftop, bowling alley
ON AND ON 鳴り響く電子音
ON AND ON, the electronic sound
いたいけなオレ その他をトリコ
Innocent Ore and others are fascinated
無限 感じた RAW-bit
Infinite feeling RAW-bit
Still the days of kilo or mega
あれは駄菓子屋 軒の下
That was the candy store 軒の下
アップライト アーケード ゲームセンター
Upright arcade game center
取り出す ポッケの50円玉
Take out the 50 yen coin in my pocket
踊らす街の エンターテーナー
Dance the street entertainer
パクパク そこら 散らばったえさ
Pakupaku scattered feed
楽々時に 四苦八苦 いただく
Sometimes easy, sometimes struggling to eat
フルーツの山 新食感
Fruit mountain new texture
Unique space of light and sound
今って何面? そこってボーナス面?
What level is it now? Is that a bonus level?
That original experience never disappears, no matter how many years pass
あれって何点? これって何万点?
What is that score? How many points is this?
No reason, no reason to keep chasing...
ピコピコ響いたフューチャーサウンド まずはワンタイム
Pico pico sounded future sound first one time
ドキドキしていた電子サウンド 次はツータイム
Doki doki was the electronic sound next two times
キラキラ輝くシンセサウンド そうさスリータイム
Kira kira shining synth sound yes three times
ベトベト必至のブラウン管 カモンフォータイム
Sticky brown tube Come on four times
My feelings when I was sensitive
The stimulation is strong and the organs wake up
成長 著しく 激的
Growth remarkable and drastic
上達 レベルアップメキメキ
Improved level up quickly
憶えるパターン 待つ順番
Remember the pattern, wait for the turn
このワンプレイ アイスはガマン
This one play ice cream is patient
The stage goes up in order
図々しいほど 自信マンマン
Confident enough to be cheeky
時にまちぶせ 時に追いかけ
Sometimes ambush, sometimes chase
時は気まぐれ トボケた面して
Time is capricious, with a silly face
DON'T STOP 進むこの集団
DON'T STOP This group moves forward
7UP飲みほす 迷路の中
Drinking 7UP in the maze
今も定番 コスル円盤
Still a classic, rub the disc
THROW DOWN at the 8bit DISCO
汗ばむ 動かす 十字レバー
Sweat and move the cross lever
忍び寄る 4匹のモンスター
Four monsters approaching
No rules like a junior high school student
If you go too far, it's a matter of time
Is the shallow foolishness already expired?
Let's go! Beyond that dot
スロウ ファスト 欺く進路
Slow Fast Deceiving course
昨日より一歩 いや1bit
One step further than yesterday, one bit
Surely the lyricist is progressing
プレイで伝える 攻略のヒント
Convey the hint of攻略in the play
Boogie Shoo Watchi If you notice
30 years with Byun Byun Choa Choa!
The old ON AND ON
The eternal half-day continues
When you get through the warp tunnel
そこは あの頃のまま
It's the same as it was then
ほらね 受付小町のあの娘が言う
Look, the receptionist girl says
""Catch me in Pac-Land!"
今って何面? そこってボーナス面?
What level is it now? Is that a bonus level?
That original experience never disappears, no matter how many years pass
あれって何点? これって何万点?
What is that score? How many points is this?
No reason, no reason to keep pursuing...

Авторы: M.koshima, S.matsumoto, Y.matsumoto

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