Schelmish - Ecce mundi gaudium - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Schelmish - Ecce mundi gaudium

Ecce mundi gaudium
Ecce mundi gaudium
Ecce mundi gaudium
Behold, the joy of the world
Ecce salus gentium
Behold, the salvation of the people
Virgo parit filium
The Virgin bears a son
Sine violentia
Without violence
Ave, virgo regia
Hail, royal virgin
Dei plena gratia
Full of God's grace
Natus est de virgine
Born of a virgin
Sine viri semine
Without a man's seed
Qui mundat a crimine
Who cleanses from sin
Rex, qui regit omnia
The King, who rules over all
Angelus pastoribus
The angel to the shepherds
"Natus est is gentibus,
"He is born for the people
Qui dat pacem omnibus
Who gives peace to all
Sua providentia
Through his providence
Reges tria premia
The kings three gifts
Offerentes varia
Offering various
Stella ducit previa
The star guides beforehand
Ad salutis gaudia
To the joys of salvation
Cum nil scire potuit
When nothing could be known
De nato, rex fremuit
Of the birth, the king trembled
Et tota gens tremuit
And all the people trembled
Christi natalitia
The birth of Christ
Cum mori per gladios
When they are destined to die by the sword
Rachel videt proprios,
Rachel sees her own
Mesta plorat, filios;
Sadly mourns, her children
Nulla sunt solatia
There is no comfort

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