Schelmish - In Taberna - Quen a omagem da virgen - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Schelmish - In Taberna - Quen a omagem da virgen

In Taberna - Quen a omagem da virgen
At the Inn - Let's Pay Homage to the Virgin
In taberna quando sumus, non curamus, quid sit humus,
In the tavern when we are, we care not what the earth is,
Sed ad ludum properamus, cui semper insudamus.
But we hasten to the game, to which we always toil.
Quid agatur in taberna, ubi nummus est picerna,
What is done in the tavern, where money is the barkeep,
Hoc est opus, ut quaeratur, sed quid loquar, audiatur.
This is the task, that it be sought, but what shall I speak, hear it.
Quidam ludunt, quidam bibunt, quidam indiscrete vivunt;
Some play, some drink, some live indiscreetly;
Sed in ludo qui morantur, ex his quidam denudantur,
But in the game who linger, of these some are stripped bare,
Quidam ibi vestiuntur, quidam saccis induuntur.
Some are clothed there, some are clad in sacks.
Ibi nullus timet mortem, sed pro Baccho mittunt sortem.
There no one fears death, but for Bacchus they cast lots.
Primo: pro nummata vini, ex hac bibunt libertini,
First: for a coin of wine, from this drink the freedmen,
Semel bibunt pro captivis,
Once they drink for the captives,
Post haec bibunt ter pro vivis,
After this they drink thrice for the living,
Quater pro Christianis cunctis,
Four times for all Christians,
Quinquies pro fidelibus defunctis,
Five times for the faithful departed,
Sexies pro sororibus vanis,
Six times for the vain sisters,
Septies pro militibus silvanis.
Seven times for the forest warriors.
Octies pro fratribus perversis,
Eight times for the perverse brethren,
Novies pro monachis dispersis,
Nine times for the dispersed monks,
Decies pro navigantibus,
Ten times for the seafarers,
Undecies pro discordantibus,
Eleven times for the discordant,
Duodecies pro poenitentibus,
Twelve times for the penitents,
Tredecies pro iter agentibus.
Thirteen times for the wayfarers.
Tam pro papa quam pro rege bibunt omnes sine lege.
Both for the pope and for the king, they all drink without law.
Bibit hera, bibit herus, bibit miles, bibit clerus,
The lady drinks, the lord drinks, the soldier drinks, the clergy drinks,
Bibit ille, bibit illa, bibit servus cum ancilla,
He drinks, she drinks, the servant drinks with the maid,
Bibit velox, bibit piger, bibit albus, bibit niger,
The swift drinks, the slow drinks, the white drinks, the black drinks,
Bibit constans, bibit vagus, bibit rudis, bibit magus.
The constant drinks, the vagrant drinks, the rude drinks, the magician drinks.
Bibit pauper et egrotus, bibit exul et ignotus,
The poor and the sick drink, the exile and the stranger drink,
Bibit puer, bibit canus, bibit presul et decanus
The boy drinks, the greybeard drinks, the prelate and the dean drink
Bibit soror, bibit frater, bibit anus, bibit mater,
The sister drinks, the brother drinks, the old woman drinks, the mother drinks,
Bibit iste, bibit ille, bibunt centum, bibunt mille.
This one drinks, that one drinks, a hundred drink, a thousand drink.
Parum sexcente nummate durant cum immoderate
Six hundred coins is scarce enough, when immoderately
Bibunt omnes sine meta, quamvis bibant mente leta.
They all drink without end, though they drink with merry mind.
Sic nos rodunt omnes gentes et sic erimus egentes.
Thus all nations gnaw at us, and thus we shall be needy.
Qui nos rodunt, confundantur et cum iustis non scribantur.
May they who gnaw at us be confounded and not be written with the just.

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