Schelmish - Si salvas me (Turnierversion mit Text) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Schelmish - Si salvas me (Turnierversion mit Text)

Si salvas me (Turnierversion mit Text)
If You Save Me (Tournament Version with Lyrics)
Captus in profunditate palae
Caught in the depths of the dungeon
Clamavi ad dominum et iurabam
I cried out to the Lord and swore
Oh, me miserum si vita mea sit salvata
Oh, wretched me if my life is spared
Memini nomen tuum in aeternum
I will remember Your name forever
Efugi angustias graves
I escaped severe torment
Salatus a domino omnipotente
Saved by the almighty Lord
Nunc fulica magna missus a domino
Now a great coot, sent by the Lord
Ad terram stabilem perducandum equum meum
To guide my horse to stable ground
Perterruit equus fidelis et traxit de profunditate
My loyal horse panicked and pulled me from the depths
Scutum, ferrum et virum
Shield, sword, and man
Ad patriam reverti
I return to my homeland
Cupidus sum votum solvendi
I am eager to fulfill my vow
Ad gimnicem equitatio
Equestrianism to the tournament
A honorem dominum
In honor of the Lord
Ludus equester sit per omnia saecula
May equestrian games be throughout the ages
Ego quidem arnoldus comes debita solvi
Indeed, I, Count Arnold, have paid my dues
Deo gratias filioque
Thanks be to God and the Son
Spiritui sancto simul adoramus
The Holy Spirit we worship together
In aeternum laudetur nomen eius
His name be praised eternally

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