Scriptor - Agencija Post Mortem - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Scriptor - Agencija Post Mortem

Agencija Post Mortem
Post Mortem Agency
Ova kancelarija je kraj svakoga scenarija
This office is the end of every script
Smrt raspolaže maksimalnim arsenalima
Death has the maximum arsenals at its disposal
I mnogi se uplaše naših namjera
And many are scared of our intentions
Al ne bi imo časti da mi vas je plašit namjera
But it wouldn't be honorable if we were to scare you
Mrtvi već jeste zbog stupidne geste
You're already dead because of a stupid gesture
Pustili ste da vas auto lupi sred ceste
You let a car hit you in the middle of the road
Ne znam jel ste Cupid lik ili samo glupi tip
I don't know if you're Cupid or just a stupid guy
Bilo kako bilo, bilo kaže da ste gubitnik
Whatever, it's saying you're a loser
Tik-tak, život udara ko klik-klak
Tick-tock, life hits like click-clack
Samo budala se ponada da će bit lak
Only a fool hopes it will be easy
To će mi dić tlak, valjda radim previše
That will raise my blood pressure, I guess I'm working too much
Od Adama i Evice, badava mi dnevnice
From Adam and Eve, my daily wages are in vain
Gledajte, ja sam tehničar, a ne redatelj
Look, I'm a technician, not a director
Pjesnička narav vam je dala da se predate
Your poetic nature has led you to surrender
Nemojte poricati, ko prizna tom se prašta pola
Don't deny it, he who admits is forgiven half
To je ko da pola dolara daš za dolar
That's like giving half a dollar for a dollar
Dobar posao
Good job
U agenciji Post Mortem
At the Post Mortem Agency
Ubojice, lopovi, ulizice, popovi, umjetnici pokojni
Murderers, thieves, lickspittles, priests, deceased artists
Svi su bili ovdje
They were all here
Infarkt, rak, il rat, brak, svaki svat kad tad
Heart attack, cancer, or war, marriage, every wedding sooner or later
Svrati na naš prag
Stops by our doorstep
Čujte, humanoidi umiru
Listen, humanoids are dying
Čekaju u redu dok ne čuju "idi u miru"
They wait in line until they hear "go in peace"
A ovo je nešto kao carina za pale ljude
And this is like customs for fallen people
Amen dame Sudbe kad jude zapale ljude
Amen ladies of Fate when you set people on fire
A svjetlo na kraju tunela je most porte
And the light at the end of the tunnel is the gate of the portal
Ureda Post Mortem, čestitam, vi ste gost ovdje
Post Mortem Office, congratulations, you are a guest here
Ali molim vas, tu smo svi domaći
But please, we are all locals here
U konačnici svi tinjamo u istoj lomači
Ultimately, we all smolder in the same bonfire
Evo, to vam je obična kancelarija
Here, this is your typical office
Josip nosi kavu, ugovorne šprance Marija
Josip brings coffee, Marija brings contract forms
Predajte nam vaš kraj scenarija
Submit your ending script to us
Pa da zajedno nazdravimo u čast Ferrarija
And let's raise a toast together in honor of the Ferrari
Koji vas je na neki način oslobodio
Who in a way set you free
I znam da vam se sve ovo čini dosta morbidno
And I know all this seems pretty morbid to you
Al takova je procedura, puk se gura
But such is the procedure, the crowd pushes
Na vrata reklamacija, al svakom kucne ura
At the complaints desk, but everyone gets their time

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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