Scriptor - Grm Gorući - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Scriptor - Grm Gorući

Grm Gorući
Burning Bush
Neki misle da sam ateist skupljam marke
Some think I'm an atheist, collecting stamps
Ko filatelist brate nisam Mate, al mi znate bis
Like a philatelist, brother, I'm not Mate, but you know me well
Kovač svoje sreće, predodređen za ljubav i
The smith of my own happiness, destined for love and
Konačno je srećem, pljujem obraz koji je smeće
Finally, I'm happy, I spit in the face of what's trash
Neki mali me pita kaj da studira jer
Some little guy asks me what to study because
Odbija čitav život u dlan masturbirat
He refuses to spend his whole life masturbating in the palm of his hand
Reko poziv koji biraš put je kroz zid tvojeg mira
I said the calling you choose is a path through the wall of your peace
I nema jamstva da ćeš poentirat. Ljudi proliju
And there's no guarantee you'll score. People spill
Krv, znoj i suze za krzno i šuze
Blood, sweat, and tears for fur and shoes
Kažu mi bježi brzo iz mjuze jer te grdo izmuze
They tell me to run fast from the music because it'll exploit you badly
Al prst broji tuzemnu valutu frende
But my finger counts the domestic currency, my friend
Pobjednik je stao luzeru na rutu. Predmet koji
The winner stood on the loser's route. The object that
Deklariram je pogrešno reklamiran
I declare is falsely advertised
Ćuka kuca ratni ritam, u žilama rijeka mira
The beat of the war drums, in the veins of the river of peace
Repam iracionalno dobro
I rap irrationally well
Neplanirano sam etabliran u nacionalno dobro
I'm unplannedly established as a national good
Često pretenciozan jer imam kretenski mozak
Often pretentious because I have a stupid brain
Taština me nagriza ko jetre ciroza. Prevruć i
Vanity gnaws at me like cirrhosis of the liver. Too hot and
Kad je klima zima, očevi mi mašu mirazima
When the climate is winter, my fathers wave dowries
Dolce vita kćeri nisu mi razina
Dolce vita daughters aren't my level
Scriptor je prenabrijan lik s kojim ste vi na vi
Scriptor is an overstimulated dude you're on a first-name basis with
Dinamit, driblam beat ko Thiery Henri
Dynamite, I dribble the beat like Thierry Henry
Pijanist, trijezan okrećem pijan list
Pianist, sober, I turn the drunken page
Trn u omči, kum, poručnik, grm gorući
Thorn in the noose, godfather, lieutenant, burning bush
Grm gorući
Burning bush
Tu di voliš su ljudi dvolični
Where you love to go, people are two-faced
Podijeljeni ko količnik, melankolični
Divided like a quotient, melancholic
Ovisničke duše brušene za izazove
Addictive souls polished for challenges
Oveći kurac popuše skrušeno kad kriza zove
They smoke a bigger dick humbly when the crisis calls
Brazda neuspjeha kopa lica
The furrow of failure digs faces
Mlađi ti te gleda iz fotke ko da zna da si propalica
The younger you looks at you from the photo as if he knows you're a loser
Snimiš neviđenog gubitnika u svojoj sjeni
You shoot an unprecedented loser in your shadow
Tvrdiš niko se ne trudi nikad u tvojoj smjeni
You insist no one ever tries in your shift
U planovima o budućnosti je falilo odlučnosti
In plans for the future, there was a lack of determination
Ne možeš obuć kostim muškosti
You can't put on a suit of masculinity
Uvijek možeš ko sin, jednom ćeš izać ko tata
You can always enter as a son, one day you'll come out as a father
Lišen trač kontakta pišem drmnut pračkom takta
Deprived of the contact of gossip, I write, hit by the slingshot of the beat
Grm gorući, vatrena stihija
Burning bush, fiery стихия
Pakao podvojenog karaktera, stih i ja
Hell of a split character, verse and I
Psihijatrija, objasni mi stav hipija
Psychiatry, explain to me the stance of the hippies
Narod je glasan i slab, vođa je tih i jak
The people are loud and weak, the leader is quiet and strong
Oko mene psuju gnjevni birokrati
Angry bureaucrats curse around me
Vrijeme curi, nisam ga biro kratit
Time is leaking, I'm not going to bureau it short
Reko jednoj curi da bi mogli nać sreću skupa
I told one girl we could find happiness together
Ko je reko da je sreća skupa, zbog svakog
Who said happiness is expensive, because of every
Versa koji bacim iz šale imam na faci nišane
Verse I throw out as a joke, I have targets on my face
Na placu mi šalje reperski pozdrav nakvarcani šaner
On the square, a cheesy shaner sends me a rap greeting
Jer sam zadnji nemogući reper, prvi mogući
Because I'm the last impossible rapper, the first possible
Trn u omči, kum, poručnik, grm gorući
Thorn in the noose, godfather, lieutenant, burning bush

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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