Scriptor - Iva Ili Ivona - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Scriptor - Iva Ili Ivona

Iva Ili Ivona
Iva or Ivona
Znaš ono kad su ljudi sami i sami stoje u tami
You know when people are alone and stand alone in the dark,
Jer se boje društva, bez iskustva, bezvoljni i hladni
Because they are afraid of society, without experience, listless, and cold,
Kao da žive u nadi da će se stanje promjenit
As if they live in hope that the situation will change,
Ali svaki put kad sat udari isto stoje stvari
But every time the clock strikes, things stay the same.
Takva je bila i ona, Iva ili Ivona
That's how she was, Iva or Ivona,
Više se ne sjećam, samo znam da je bila skromna
I don't remember anymore; I just know she was modest,
U potrazi za vratima uklapanja u razred
In search of a door to fit in,
Gdje svaki put navrati, al ju nikad ne zapaze
Where she always stops by but is never noticed.
Uvijek sjedi sama, prisutna na sjednicama
She always sits alone, present at the meetings,
Sata razredne zajednice gdje drugi nemaju srama
Of the class council where others have no shame,
A ona ima ideju, želi reć al nema glasa
And she has an idea, she wants to say but has no voice,
Jer ju čeka spremna masa sa ciljem da se rasplamsa
Because a ready-made mob awaits her, aiming to flare up,
Zajebancija na njen račun jer djevojka jedva čuje
Making fun of her because the girl can barely hear,
Pa treba dulje vrijeme da razumije druge ljude
So it takes her longer to understand other people.
"Prozvali su je gluha", a pri tom misle i glupa
"They called her deaf," and by that they also mean stupid,
Gruba grupa iz redova školskih klupa joj se ruga misli
A rough group from the rows of school desks mocks her in their thoughts.
Heeej, zašto me nitko ne čuje
Hey, why doesn't anyone hear me?
Misli heeej, zašto sam nitko i uljez
She thinks, hey, why am I a nobody and an outcast?
Misli heeej (Zašto, zašto?) glas iznutra vrišti
She thinks hey (Why, why?) the voice inside screams,
Ali vani zvuk najtiši, opet svaki puta
But outside, the sound is faintest, again every time.
Misli heeej, zašto sam na svijetu sama
She thinks hey, why am I alone in the world?
Misli heeej, zašto živim u svijetu srama
She thinks hey, why do I live in a world of shame?
Misli heeej (Zašto, zašto?) glas iznutra vrišti
She thinks hey (Why, why?) the voice inside screams,
Ali vani zvuk najtiši, uvijek isti muk misli
But outside, the sound is faintest, always the same silent thoughts.
Vidjet nju na slici razreda je bilo teško kao
Seeing her in the class picture was as hard as
Vidjet komad starog nakita što ti je greškom pao
Seeing a piece of old jewelry that you accidentally dropped,
A i kad ga nađeš kazeš nešto krajnje smješno kao
And even when you find it, you say something utterly ridiculous, like
Vidi ovo, tko bi reko, našao sam nešto staro
Look at this, who would have thought, I found something old.
Zamisli život u ritmu muzike za sprovode gdje
Imagine life to the rhythm of funeral music where
Ti je zao što postojiš dok se drugi provode
You regret existing while others are having fun
I govore ti kroz zloban osmjeh da si ti frik
And tell you with an evil grin that you're a freak,
Poput Gospodara što ti želi uskratit kisik
Like the Lord who wants to deprive you of oxygen.
Misli (Heeej) zašto sam na svijetu sama
She thinks (Hey) why am I alone in the world?
Jesam li stvarno tu s vama ili ipak sve to sanjam
Am I really here with you, or am I dreaming all this?
Mora da je sve to san, a bit će da je nekog sram
It must all be a dream, and someone will be ashamed
Probudit me iz mekog sna pa nemam druge nego sama
To wake me from a soft dream, so I have no choice but to be alone.
Opterecena je jer dnevno susreće barem deset ljudi
She is burdened because she encounters at least ten people daily.
Svijet se cudi takvoj curi, ona plače jer se trudi
The world is surprised by such a girl; she cries because she tries,
Jer tko je čovjek da drugom sudi
Because who is a human to judge another
I izvrće ga ruglu pod budnim okom drugih ljudi misli
And make a fool of them under the watchful eye of other people's thoughts.
Heeej, zašto me nitko ne čuje
Hey, why doesn't anyone hear me?
Misli heeej, zašto sam nitko i uljez
She thinks, hey, why am I a nobody and an outcast?
Misli heeej (Zašto, zašto?) glas iznutra vrišti
She thinks hey (Why, why?) the voice inside screams,
Ali vani zvuk najtiši, opet svaki puta
But outside, the sound is faintest, again every time.
Misli heeej, zašto sam na svijetu sama
She thinks hey, why am I alone in the world?
Misli heeej, zašto živim u svijetu srama
She thinks hey, why do I live in a world of shame?
Misli heeej (Zašto, zašto?) glas iznutra vrišti
She thinks hey (Why, why?) the voice inside screams,
Ali vani zvuk najtiši, uvijek isti muk misli
But outside, the sound is faintest, always the same silent thoughts.
Gledala je ispred hodajući školskim hodnikom
She looked ahead, walking down the school hallway,
Plodnim tlom za omalovazavanje i ponizno
Fertile ground for belittlement and humbly,
Odslušala grozni ton zvona tako monoton
She listened to the horrible, monotonous sound of the bell
I krenula po podu prolijevat olovno gorivo
And started pouring lead fuel on the floor.
Pozadinski zvuci vrištanja iz referade
The background sounds of screaming from the principal's office
I zakočena vrata od strane teške barikade
And the locked doors on the side of the heavy barricade
Nisu ometali Ivu, sada se sjecam imena
Didn't bother Iva, now I remember the name,
Nagluha djevojka koja je htjela bit viđena
A deaf girl who wanted to be seen.
I evo ga, napokon ju cijeli svemir vidi,
And here it is, finally, the whole universe sees her,
Cijeli svijet se divi, samo zbog nje sada sve se dimi
The whole world admires her; just because of her, everything is smoky now.
Imitira profesore, i izruguje se svima
She imitates the teachers and mocks everyone
Dok ih guta boja siva, oblak dima, ona prima
While gray paint engulfs them, a cloud of smoke, she takes
I posljednju šibicu, pa uz osmjeh citira Ibricu
The last match and, with a smile, quotes Ibica:
Još samo ovaj put ste mogli zadirkivat Ivicu
Just this one last time, you could have teased Ivica,
Al sutra bit će prekasno, nespretno i nejasno
But tomorrow it will be too late, awkward, and unclear.
Ispusti šibicu i kroz suze izusti: prekrasno
She drops the match and, through tears, utters: Beautiful.

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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