Scriptor - Nemam Vremena - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Scriptor - Nemam Vremena

Nemam Vremena
I Don't Have Time
Nemam vremena za život, nemam vremena za smrt
I don't have time for life, I don't have time for death
A ovaj krevet na kojem spavam je postao pretvrd
And this bed I sleep on has become too hard
U kolotečini večernjih izlazaka tražim put
In the rut of evening outings, I'm searching for a way
I razočaran u događaje odlazim svaki put
And disappointed with the events, I leave every time
Nemam vremena za život, nemam vremena za smrt
I don't have time for life, I don't have time for death
A ovaj krevet na kojem spavam je postao pretvrd
And this bed I sleep on has become too hard
U kolotečini večernjih izlazaka tražim put
In the rut of evening outings, I'm searching for a way
I nikad nije bilo vremena za mene da se mijenjam iz temelja
And there was never time for me to change from the ground up
Želim bar djelić svemira, bez njega sam nemiran
I want at least a fraction of the universe, without it I'm restless
Jebiga, sve bi dao da je život igra predivna
Damn it, I'd give anything if life was a beautiful game
A ne jedina predigra prije treninga bljedila
And not just a foreplay before the training fades
Mislim na smrt, al ne želim patetizirat
I think about death, but I don't want to be pathetic
Želim svirat skulirane note na planeti mira
I want to play cool notes on a planet of peace
Gdje si bila Inspiracijo kad sam te sinoć tražio
Where were you, Inspiration, when I was looking for you last night?
Na plaži od dvajst do jedan do nedavno, kaži to
On the beach from 8 pm to 1 am until recently, tell me that
Jer laži koje mi šalješ su mi pojele savjest
Because the lies you send me have eaten away my conscience
A ove tvoje detalje zbilja volim sve manje
And I really like these details of yours less and less
Vidim ljude gladne što te traže, svi su umjetnici
I see people hungry for you, they're all artists
Žele pobjeć odavde, to im je uvjetni cilj
They want to escape from here, that's their conditional goal
Dug je fitilj, zapalio sam šibicu
The fuse is long, I lit a match
Ne vidim sudbinu stvaranja muzike u biznisu
I don't see the fate of creating music in business
Samo uživam u mirisu
I just enjoy the smell
Punim riznicu osjećajima koji divni su
I'm filling the treasury with feelings that are wonderful
I nikad nije bilo vremena za mene da krenem u smjeru sjevera
And there was never time for me to head north
Nemrem razumjet zašto me koči jebena selendra
I can't understand why this damn village is holding me back
Pogledaj me u oči i vidjet ćeš sebe kad
Look me in the eyes and you'll see yourself when
Sjedneš pred ekran i shvatiš da si ruža, a ne sjemenka
You sit in front of the screen and realize you're a rose, not a seed
Bezveze katapultiram teze na ovaj švedski stol
Pointlessly, I catapult theses onto this Swedish table
Kažnjavam se stalno al ne stignem osjetit bol
I constantly punish myself but don't have time to feel pain
Tjeskoba me obuzela, a prsti postaju salata
Anxiety has overwhelmed me, and my fingers are becoming a salad
Samo čekam da mi Jeremy Fisher dođe na vrata
I'm just waiting for Jeremy Fisher to come to my door
Muzika je ostala ista, ali je
The music has stayed the same, but the
Jebena ulica postala čista pa mi je
Damn street has become clean, so my
Nova zamisao pobjegla s kista
New idea escaped from the brush
I na kraju je preostalo ništa, baš ništa
And in the end, nothing is left, absolutely nothing
Život je freestyle, nije prije napisan
Life is freestyle, it's not written beforehand
Pa pljuje gluposti jer nema vremena razmišljat
So it spits out nonsense because it doesn't have time to think
A ove mudrosti koje prodaješ ti sad
And this wisdom you're selling now
Ti u ogledalu, sve su to sranja, priznaj
You in the mirror, it's all crap, admit it
I nikad nije bilo vremena za mene da sjednem na toranj Sljemena
And there was never time for me to sit on the Sljeme tower
I krenem na glavu dolje prije neg zoveš 92
And head down before you call 92
Trebam barem jedan dan bez da me peče savjest
I need at least one day without my conscience burning
I još tjedan dana bez srama da u džep metnem pare
And another week without shame to put money in my pocket
A ovaj krevet na kojem spavam me budi noćima
And this bed I sleep on wakes me up at night
Suicidalna glava mi nudi počinak
My suicidal head offers me rest
U bočicama sranja i zakrvavljenim pločicama
In bottles of crap and bloody tiles
Želim dobit tu utrku s vremenom, al nemam poticaja
I want to win that race against time, but I have no motivation
Muzika je ostala ista, ali joj je
The music has stayed the same, but its
Jebena guzica postala prištava
Damn ass has become pretty
Pa gledamo druge žene da vidimo jel išta valja
So we look at other women to see if anything is good
A odgovor je poražavajuć, ništa valjda
And the answer is devastating, nothing is good
Nemam vremena za život, nemam vremena za pivo
I don't have time for life, I don't have time for beer
Nemam vremena za gledanje u nebo dok je sivo
I don't have time to look at the sky when it's gray
Već preko dvadeset godina nisam uživo
For over twenty years, I haven't been alive
Nije bilo vremena, i nije mi krivo
There wasn't time, and I don't mind

Авторы: Vladimir Andrassy

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